chapter 11

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Hidden leaf hospital

Hinata was siting with naruto she had been with for a couple days now sakura came in every half hour to check on him and check his vitals luckly naruto was starting to get better execept they couldnt get the fever to go down sakura had tried giving medicine but that didnt work luckly the fever hadn't  gone up hinata hoped he would wake up soon every once in while naruto would move his head and grown and sweat was still dripping down his head hinata wished she could do something other than sit and watch every once and while she would use the rag to wipe the sweat off his forehead every time she did it she hoped she wouldn't have to do it again how are doing hinata asks Sakura im fine im more worried about him replies hinata you know he is starting to get better says Sakura I didn't know that says hinata yes he is the fever is finally going down replies Sakura that's wonderful says hinata yes and the rash is starting to clear up to he should be waking up in the next few days says Sakura that's great says hinata yes and once he is awake and better we can finally start physical therapy says Sakura do you think the bones in his spine have healed by now asks hinata I believe so says sakura that's good says hinata yes it is says Sakura before leaving

Hidden leaf hospital a few days later

Naruto opens his eyes and looks around he sees hinata in a chair next to the bed sleeping and when he looks at the window he realizes it's night time hinata says Naruto hey your awake are you feeling better asks Hinata happily somewhat I'm not as hot anymore and my neck isn't stiff but I still can feel my legs and I kinda have to go to the bathroom says naruto hold on let me get Sakura says hinata a few minutes later she comes back with sakura I'm glad your awake hinata says your feeling better I'm going to put a catheter in so you can go to the bathroom ok says Sakura ok says Naruto is that Better asks Sakura yes says Naruto I didn't get anyone else sick with meningitis did I asks Naruto no you didn't says hinata ok says Naruto and if your wondering now that your awake we are going to give you a few days then we are going to start doing physical therapy says Sakura ok I kinda do want to get it done so I can finally go home says Naruto don't worry you will be able to go home soon says Sakura Naruto the kids have been worried about you do you want to see them asks hinata sure says Naruto ok then I will call my father and let him know says hinata she then leaves the room then she comes back a few minutes later she comes back in to the room they will be here in a couple minutes says hinata ok says Naruto and a few minutes later Boruto and himawari come runing into the room daddy your awake I was very worried about you says himawari hugging Naruto I missed you guys says Naruto big brother doesn't want to admit it but he was worried about you too says himawari really says Naruto pst no I wasn't says Boruto hinata Naruto and himawari all laugh then Naruto yawns daddy when will you come home asks himawari once I finish physical therapy I should be able to come home says Naruto are you still going to be hokage asks boruto yes that's what I intend to do but I will still make time for you guys says Naruto hey dad my friends have been asking about you says Boruto have they says Naruto yeah there wondering if your ok says Boruto well tell your friends I will be ok says Naruto ok I will dad says Boruto Naruto then begins to yawn again honey are you getting tired asks hinata no I'm not these visits are always so short and they have ended because I'm tired but I'm honestly not tired says Naruto are you sure asks hinata yes I'm sure says Naruto ok but don't over do it you need all the energy you can get for physical therapy and once your done with that you should finally be able come home says hinata yeah I can't wait for that I have missed being home and sleeping in my own bed says Naruto the children have missed having you at home to says hinata I bet they have says Naruto daddy maybe we should go and let you rest I want you to come home soon and if you rest you have more energy and will be able to do therapy quicker says himawari you guys don't need to go home himawari says Naruto are you sure daddy asks himawari I'm sure says Naruto ok says himawari let's hope we don't have anymore setbacks says Naruto yeah we definitely don't need any more of those says Boruto yeah says himawari daddy you look tired says himawari as Naruto yawns ok that's enough you need to rest says hinata fine says Naruto children say goodbye to your dad he needs to rest says hinata bye dad see you later says Boruto bye daddy I love you I will see you later says himawari bye children see you later says Naruto as he falls asleep rest now naruto says hinata as she takes the children out to hiashi when she comes back naruto is sound asleep I love you naruto says hinata as she watches him sleep your children love you so much I hope you know how much they have missed you this hasn't been easy for them either they have been watching you fight to live they never thought they would see you like that Naruto says hinata the love you says hinata

I hope you enjoyed the chapter the next one will be out at some point until then bye

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