╰► prolouge

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The stale, ashen scent of tobacco trailed off from his freshly lit cigarette— a burnt fog of hazy smoke clouded around a head of messy blonde locks, their owner perched lithely between the mattress and satin sheets that draped over his bare naked lap. After a drag or two more, he glances at the woman sleeping soundly in the bed next to him, admiring her form as he runs a hand over her plush curves.

She's beautiful; you're beautiful.

You can't help but stir awake at the sudden display of affectionate contact, a lazy smile adorning your lips as your eyes flutter open to gaze at the tired blue eyes that stare back at you.

"You know, I'd prefer it if you didn't smoke in here, Zeke." You taunt him with a kiss, even though you've asked him multiple times too many not to light his cigarettes inside your of home.

"I'm sorry, princess."

His apology doesn't hold much weight; you're one hundred certain he'll do it again. The man chain-smokes like a chimney, especially after you put it on him like you do. You've got him hopelessly wrapped around your pretty manicured finger, but he'll never admit it; it's the very reason why he reluctantly puts out his smoke after one final drag for good measure, exhaling as he falls back into bed with you.

"You really should quit," you proclaim, delicately running your fingertips down the expanse of his muscular body. It sends a pleasant shiver through his spine at the feel of your touch and an aching desire through his groin as he remembers the night the two of you shared, when you touched him in other places with those very same hands.

"Well, maybe you should give me something else to do with my mouth? Oral fixation is half the battle, after all."

Before you can attempt to protest, his disappears underneath the sheets— the stubble of his beard tickles your thighs as he makes his way in between them.

Decorum | A. Arlert [ON HOLD] Where stories live. Discover now