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"MOM? WHERE ARE WE GOING?" Vivienne Gaunt asked her mother, who held her by her hand, her other holding a white rabbit. "Somewhere safe" Lennon Gaunt told her daughter, swiping her dirty blonde hair away from her eyes. The two continued to walk down the empty road in the abandoned neighborhood, taking note of the deadly silence in the air. It was ominous, as if warning the two something was coming for them, and something did. 

A loud distant revving engine sounded in their ears, along with a pitchy siren that could be hear miles away. Lennon immediately grabbed her daughter's torso, lifting her up. She ran to a house with cracking wood and chipped paint, placing Vivienne's small figure behind a broken mantel piece, making her almost invisible. "Mom? What's going on?" The little girl worriedly told her mother, who's eyes where glossy and wide. 

"Viv? Listen to me and listen to me loud and clear. These people? They are bad people. Whatever they tell you, do not trust them. All they want is what you've been gifted, then they'll throw you out like a rag doll, you hear me?" Lennon told Vivienne, who nodded frantically at her mother's rushed words. "Do you remember what we practiced? Use it to fend for yourself. Don't hold back, understand? And the white envelope I put in your bag? keep it safe- don't let anyone read it but yourself." She finished, finally noticing the younger girls frightened eyes. 

"Mama and Dad love you; we love you so much, remember that okay? Forever and always." "I love you too, always and forever. Promise you won't leave?" the innocent question struck the woman's heart, and she decided to put it as gently as possible. She knew her time was up, and there was nothing she could do. "Never will I ever leave you. I pinky promise. Y' know why? Cuz I'm always right here, and here, and here." She said, pointing to Vivienne's heart, mind, and rabbit. With one last tight embrace and kiss to the cheeks, Lennon Gaunt was gone, and as Vivienne watched her mother get shot by the black armed men, she vowed to get her vengeance and rid the world of their kind. 

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