𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐚𝐲

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friday came, and anri apparently came to pick you up early so you could get a tour of blue lock and a headstart on cooking the athlete's meals. after all, you were expected to feed at least 300 mouths.

after your aunt gave you a brief tour of the entire blue lock facility, she led you to the head office and surveillance room, where her boss would be found.

"ego, this is my niece." you moved toward the slim man that was seated in front of the surveillance screens of blue lock. "hi. i'm y/n, blue lock's chef for the next... at least six months, if i recall right. i won't take much of your time, i just need your guidance for creating a meal plan and what i should feed the athletes." you bowed politely, earning a hum.

the coach handed you a folder, filled with papers.

"all 300 players will have a different main course based off of their ranking; so the higher their rank, the higher their quality of food will be. this is a compilation of every boy in blue lock, and all their biological information. i want you to go over each one yourself and assess what kind of food they deserve at their rank, while also ensuring that it's nutritious enough to keep them in good shape. as much as possible, refrain from adding gourmet and high-end foods, like steak, to their menu. save those kinds of foods for them to exchange their goal bonuses for."

perfect. you had the absolute freedom to pick what to cook and prepare. at least you weren't going to have to worry about cramming new recipes above the 300 recipes you already had engraved in your mind.

you nodded obediently and took the folder from his hands. "understood, sir. i'll get to work right away and turn it in by 9pm for approval. thank you." you then headed out with your aunt.

"so? think you can manage?" she rested a hand on your shoulder. "obviously, and i don't have a choice, so no point in asking." you scoffed a bitter laugh. "i was just making sure! besides, i'm not gonna be here all the time, so i wanted to check if you'd be alright without me for the first couple weeks." she pinched your cheek, making you whine in annoyance.

"what?! where are you gonna be?! i'm gonna be bored out of my mind here!" you slapped her hand away. "well, duh. no one else is gonna handle all the backlash from the jfu community but me. i'll come back once all of it is sorted out. so, probably two weeks. and in any way, you'll have your phone and your own room with all your stuff.", "you brought my laptop?" you cocked an eyebrow up. "you'd tear this place to bits if i didn't." the woman deadpanned.

you gave her a cheeky grin before you finally reached your quarters.

"good you know." you inhaled sharply while stretching and tossing the folder of players on your bed. "so, you sure you're fine? last call, before i go." anri leaned against the frame of the door. "i hope i'll be fine. but, if ever things turn out otherwise, i'll be expecting you to sneak my phone in the psych ward. oh, and if mom asks, tell her i got a boyfriend and ran away to venice. she loves venice." you gave your aunt a smile, earning an eye roll in return. "cheeky mama's girl."

"seeya, anri." you waved. "take care, sweets. seeya in two weeks." she let a light laugh slip before turning around and leaving, the automatic door shutting behind her.

you groaned in annoyance and threw yourself onto your bed, peeking out of your arms to see the thick, bulky folder of papers. you flipped open the cover and glanced at the first page.

JESUS CHRIST. this one's got the most gorgeous eyelashes you've ever seen on a guy..! what's a pretty boy like him doing in this stupid jail place? he definitely belonged in a model agency.


rin itoshi

gender : male
age : 16
birthday : september 9
height : 186 cm
weight : 
75.3 kg (166.0 lbs)
blood type : A


my god! 186cm!? that's like 6'1! i thought the basketball guys were supposed to be the tall ones... 

as you flipped through the rest of the pages, you started to get a headache from how large these men were. some of them were even younger than you, and the eldest in all 300 players was only two years older! somehow, it even managed to list down their favorite foods and preferences, thank god for that.

meguru bachira, dislikes... mozuku? because it feels like eating snot?! this is a joke, surely!

you snagged your laptop off your desk and plopped onto the cold, concrete floor before calling your mother. in an instant, she declined, and sent a text saying she was busy with work. your eyes rolled, and typed out some stupid excuse that you needed help with your new job as a chef.

it didn't even take 20 seconds before she was immediately calling you back.

"my brain hurts. what the hell do you cook for 300 athletes?!" you were quick to speak. "not even a hi mama, how's switzerland? hm? is this how children treat their mothers these days in japan? maybe i should come back home and teach your generation a lesson.

you clicked your tongue and turned away from the camera, hiding your face.

"...then come back home, already. if you're gonna say that you'll come home, then do it... if not, then... stop saying that and at least help me out a little here! i'm stuck dealing with anri's job!" you huffed. "aw, 'miss you too, baby. i promise i'll be home soon enough. it's just a couple more months, 'lright? hang in there, with whatever anri's schemed this time." the older woman cooed. "i don't have a choice! i need to cook 301 dishes for 300 athletes and their coach!" you cried in a frustrated whine.

"alright, alright. calm down missy, i'll help you. let's start with their physiques first, and their regular training routines. have you asked their coach about that yet?" she started calmly. "no, it has their planned schedule here. uhm, wait let me find it."

you took photos of all the player profiles and sent them to your mother, to which she was quick to scan through.

"hm... okay, let's start with the lowest rank and progress to number 1. sound good, 'hun?" she simply stated, making you sigh in relief at her willingness to help. "lowest one deserves pickled radishes. it's healthy, but i'd only eat it if there were no other food options." you scribbled down onto a notebook. "number 299, natto. number 288... oh, a big guy. an omlette, probably?"

after a couple hours, you, with the help of your mother, finally finished planning out all the main courses for the 300 players.

you let out an exhausted sigh before falling back onto the cold ground.

"finally... now to turn this in for approval. thanks, mom." you mumbled. "'f course, sweets. always here to help with whatever i can. what're you up to, anyway? what did anri sign you up for?" she giggled. "basically, the jfu stole 300 high schoolers and locked them up in this facility called blue lock. it's supposed to train them to become top strikers for japan's world cup. ugh, but anri told me that i should be expecting to stay here for at least six months, until the U-20 competition." you groaned in annoyance. "sounds exciting! you'll have something to keep you busy for half a year, at least! though, i wonder why anri didn't invite me to take the job." you laughed in her face instantly.

"no way anri would let you get involved in her job! she'd die on the spot if that happened!" you cackled. "hah! i'm not even surprised. well, whatever. i'm happy with my job here in switzerland, anyway. i should take you here one day when you're older. how about it?" she said. "i'd kill to go to europe right now. by the way, didn't you get a job offer in milan? what happened to that?" you abruptly mentioned.

your mother seemed excited about your sudden question for a split second, before looking all nervous. "oh... about that, i told them to hold the offer a few weeks ago. i initially planned on having you take it over the new year's time, but since you're at blue lock... i rejected it." she shrugged.








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