𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐟𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬

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there was an awkward, dead silence as you slowly turned to look at the boy that quite literally just scared the ever living shitting fuck out of you.

fear became confusion, then confusion turned into rage.

in an instant, he began to laugh, holding onto your shoulder for support. however, you were beyond laughing. you slapped your hand over his mouth before dragging him to the employee's room, away from ego's surveillance cameras. you pushed him into the pantry closet and slammed the door behind you before switching on the light to get a better view of your sabotager.

you held him by the hair and tugged on it rather hard to make him face up at you.

this was player number 290. bachira meguru of team Z.

"i knew you were a girl!" the bowl cut boy laughed while pointing at you. '...oh shut up! are you fucking crazy?! i could get fired!' you told him angrily while letting go of his dual haired locks. "mm... not like it'll affect me. i was kinda curious ever since i saw you talking to the white haired guy in sign language the other night." he shrugged with a playful grin.

'oh, you're so gonna get it from me, pussy bangs—! i'm gonna be feeding you maggots and rat piss for the rest of your stay! and that's if i even still have my job after this, dammit!' you tried to yell in the quietest voice you could. "oh? so you're the cook?" bachira tilted his head. 'i'm the only employee in blue lock! if i get fired, no one's gonna manage this place!' you huffed.

bachira stepped closer to you, with his face now directly in front of yours. his hands drew upward slowly to take off the black mask that you wore. somehow, you wished you could've pushed him off and gave him more scoldings, but internally, your heart desired otherwise. your somewhat awareness of how lonely you were in blue lock made you to want to reveal yourself to at least one person in this facility...

"yup! totally a girl. and you're real pretty, y'know..." he smiled. 'wh—?!... cut it out! flattery isn't gonna save you from my scolding, idiot! i'm still screwed! and if i get screwed, everyone else in this facility gets screwed!' you crossed your arms. "why's it such a big deal if i know you're a girl?" bachira questioned as he leaned against the wall.

it's not like there's any reason to hide anything from him now, i guess...

'...oh fine... ego's my boss. he doesn't want his boys getting distracted with a 'relatively pretty' girl. it's got something to do with boys wanting to show off and trying too hard to impress girls, or something... i got hired 'cause i'm the head— well, only chef. the only rule ego gave me was to not talk to you guys. if i break that, i could get fired. and what happens if i get fired? no one here will have anything to eat. it takes time to hire a chef, y'know.' you frowned. "ohh, alright, gotcha. well then, rest assured! your lil' secret's safe with me, pretty." he winked while pressing his index finger to his lips.

you sighed at the silly nickname.

'now that we've got this out the way, you can go piss off on your merry way. i've got more important things to do— and remember, not a word. if you spill anything, i'll feed you mozuku for the rest of your stay in blue lock.' you smacked the back of his head playfully. "ow—! okay, okay, my lips are shut!"

"...though, before you go, could i get your name?" bachira turned to face you in hopes for an answer, but you gave him a push before parting ways to move over to the kitchen. 'mm.... nah. later dude.' you waved.

after rushing to prepare breakfast, and inevitably having a secret sign language conversation with nagi, and now reo, you returned to your room and threw yourself onto your bed in exhaustion.

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