The Rats Strike Back

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"Another successful mission!" Mr. Davenport says as Adam, Bree, Chase, and I enter the lab after a mission. We were completely exhausted. "Sure you guys blew a lot of stuff up, but hey, that's the city's problem now." Adam lays on top of the console while Chase and I collapsed into chairs.

"Ugh, I am so exhausted. I can't wait to just stand up and go to sleep." Bree groaned.

"Well, you guys get your rest. My big NASA presentation is this week, and we still have to complete training on my gravity propulsion belt." Mr. Davenport says.

"I don't know what that is, but it sounds like it does a lot more than hold up my pants," Leo says.

"This is a huge contract. If NASA buys this, astronauts will be able to spacewalk anywhere in the galaxy." Mr. Davenport says. "They'll probably name a moon after me or a planet! Things are gonna land on me! Ha, ha! I'll see you guys bright and early in the morning."

"Wait, tomorrow? No, no. That's not going to work." Leo says. "I planned an awesome cyber pong tournament. I made nicknames and everything. I'm Kingpong."

"And tomorrow's the Teen Fiancée marathon on TV. I didn't think it was possible, but I actually found a group of people whose lives are more pathetic than mine." Bree says.

"Yeah, and I was going to have a spa day. According to one of Bree's girly magazines...I have cankles." Adam says.

"I was gonna hang out with my friend Nikki. She got these white canvases and we were going to shoot them with paintball guns!" I say.

"And I was going to get a head start on my homework," Chase says. We all gave him a look. "I mean, play sports and talk to girls."

"All right. Look, none of that is happening. This stuff is important." Mr. Davenport says.

"What makes your stuff more important than ours?" Bree asks.

"Uh, 'cause my stuff can make a billion dollars." Mr. Davenport says. "Yeah, so, when you're the boss, you can make the rules. But until then, I am the king of Davenportia, and you will all do my bidding." Mr. Davenport laughs as he raises his arms and stands between the lab doors. The doors closed, and he quickly got out of the lab.

"Man, this stinks," Leo says.

"Why do we always have to do what he wants us to do?" I say.

"Weren't you listening? The man is king!" Adam says.

"Hey! Maybe you guys should do what those hotel workers downtown did. You know, strike." Leo says.

"Okay," Adam says. He punches Chase.

"Ow! What was that for?" Chase says.

"Leo said strike," Adam says.

"Strike?" I say. Adam punches Chase again.

"Ow!" Chase yelled.

"What's a strike?" Bree asks. Adam tries to punch Chase, but Chase grabs his arm.

"Stop it!"

"It's when employees refuse to work until they get better working conditions, like more days off. Or in your case...a day off." Leo says.

"Hey, that's a great idea. I say we all strike!" Chase says. Then we all hit Chase. "Oh, come on!"


"Fiddily-diddily-diddily-di. Fiddily-diddily. Greetings people of Davenportia. It is I, King Donald, here to train thee." Mr. Davenport sings as he skips happily into the lab.

"Unfair. On strike. Unfair. On strike." Bree, Chase, Leo, and I chant as we walk around the lab and hold signs.

"What's all this?" Mr. Davenport asks.

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