My Little Brother

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In the lab, Adam and Chase were getting ready for school. "Ugh! Smells like something died in here." Adam groans as he sniffs his shoe. He looks inside his shoe. "Whoa! Something did die in here! Chase, look at this!"

"No!" Chase says.

"Well, at least tell me if this is fur or mold," Adam says.

"No!" Chase exclaimed. Adam tries to put his shoe on but he accidentally rips a hole in it using his super strength. "Adam, what did you do to your shoe?"

"I guess I don't know my own strength," Adam says. "The same thing happened yesterday with my underwear. Oh, that reminds me, I got you a new headband for gym class." Adam puts his underwear on Chase's head but Chase throws it away in disgust.

"Man, Mr. Davenport warned us about this. As we get older, our chips have to be recalibrated to adjust for our growth." Chase says.

"Oh, well, then yours will never have to be adjusted." Adam laughs. "'Cause your body doesn't grow, get it? I'm saying you're small."

"I get it!" Chase says. "When Mr. Davenport gets back, he can recalibrate your super strength. Toss me my backpack." Adam throws Chase's backpack and it goes through the steel doors of the lab. "Or we could do it now. Quick, get in your capsule."

"Ah, but I like being ridiculously strong. I'm like King Kong without the little lady in his hand." Adam says. He holds out his hand to Chase. "Go ahead, Chase, jump in."

"Go!" Chase says.

"Fine." Adam gets into his capsule and Chase walks over to the console.

"All right, let's see, Adam's size parameters. Six-one, hundred and seventy-five pounds." Chase says, typing in Adam's information.

"Make it a hundred and eighty. Had a big breakfast." Adam says.

"Since your strength has intensified, I'm gonna dial it back from an eight to a six," Chase says.

"Hold on, you can adjust my strength?" Adam asks. Chase nods his head. "Well, don't dial me down, make me a ten!"

"No way. That would be like giving a stick of dynamite to a...well, you." Chase says. He presses a button and a light flashes a couple of times in Adam's capsule. "There. Done. Now hurry. We're gonna be late for school." Chase leaves the lab.

"Uh, yeah, I'll be right there! I just have to not do something for a minute." Adam says. He presses some buttons on the console and gets back in his capsule. When Adam gets out of his capsule, he shatters the glass door, making it fly across the room. "I can't wait to see if it worked!"


"Man, I always get stuck with the wobbly chair," Chase says as he and Adam sit down for lunch in the cafeteria.

"Here, let me fix it. Hold my tray." Adam says, handing Chase his tray. When Adam tries to pick up the chair, he rips the top of it with his super strength. Chase gives him a look.

"Adam!" Chase says as the students in the cafeteria watch what was happening. Chase looks at the students. "Budget cuts, am I right? The evidence is all around us, people." He looks at Adam. "You maxed out your super strength, didn't you?"

"Of course I did. Look who you're talking to." Adam says.

"This is so dangerous. You can't control your strength, and it could cause a ton of glitches." Chase says. "We have to change you back, now!"

"Calm down, you're overreacting," Adam says. When Adam sets his tray on the table, all of the students jump up from their seats when it collapses. "Okay, you can dial me down to a nine."

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