Chapter 2 - I'm Ready To Take It To The Street

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The quinjet is still parked where we left it - on the helipad at Stark Tower. I can see it from the street, twenty blocks away. The only trouble is that we still have to get there - for which we'll need to elude Oscorp's reinforcements.

Skye suggests we split up to make it harder for them to track us. Vision concurs (no, seriously, his exact words are "I concur"), and he insists that Wanda and Gwen go with Skye while he takes everyone who came on the quinjet with him. "I trust you have your own transportation?" he asks Skye.

"That's not the only quinjet we've got," Skye says, gesturing in the opposite direction from Stark Tower.

"Then go," Vision says. "Quickly."

"On it." Skye leads Gwen and Wanda across the street, then they start running once they get to the other side. I exchange glances with Pietro - no doubt he's no more keen to be separated from Wanda again than I am to be apart from Gwen. At least they have Wanda, though. I heard Pietro tell a few wild and crazy stories on the flight down to New York. If anything about those stories is true, Wanda is a dangerous enemy to have. And as for Skye - whatever her power is, she was able to knock Harry out of the air without breaking a sweat.

If I can't protect Gwen right now, at least I'm assured she's in good hands. Not that she needs to be in good hands, of course. She's only too capable of handling herself.

"This way," says Vision, waving his arm. We all follow him. None of us are running - nobody actually says it, but I know I can't be the only one thinking that running will only draw more unwanted attention.

As for whatever unwanted attention we may be receiving by going around on the street in costume - well, this is New York. If any city comes close to rivaling San Fransokyo's count of eccentric dressers, it's this one. This point is hammered home for us when we come up to a corner where a number of other costumed people are milling around, waiting for the light to change.

In a totally bizarre coincidence literally out of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, I end up standing next to a heavyset woman dressed as the Statue of Liberty. "Hey," she says, turning and noticing me. "Nice suit."

"Yeah," says a guy on her other side, a dark-skinned, bespectacled dude with unusual diamond-patterned pants (one leg red and black, the other black and white) that look like they were made in Wonderland. "Damn, that shit looks real."

I shrug my shoulders and smile awkwardly at these two, thankful that they can't see my face. "I try."

"Wow, you got a bunch of Marvel characters with you, huh?" Lady Liberty says, looking around at everyone.

"No, no, no," Barton says. "Lady, could you please-"

"I didn't know Comic-Con was in town again!" cries Wonderland Pants.

"Shut up!" hisses Natasha. "No one can know we're here!"

"Oh, everyone knows we're here already," Deadpool says, casually flipping a reverse peace sign at a camera perched on a nearby light pole. "Say hi to Mr. Finch and the Machine, kiddies!"

"You know Mr. Finch doesn't exist, right?" I say in spite of myself.

"I'm not supposed to exist in this universe either," Deadpool says. "And yet..."

The light changes at last. Just in time, too - the Oscorp team is less than fifty feet away. I don't have time to say more than "Get out of here, now!" to Lady Liberty and Wonderland Pants before we all run through the crosswalk. All of us - except Pietro. He runs back to tangle up the guards, and even liberates another one's submachine gun.

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