Chapter 24 - I Haven't Been This Scared In A Long Time

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Norman, unlike his son, is equipped with no weapon other than his hands. When I approach him, he holds up those hands and says, "I don't think I mentioned this before, but I love your outfit. Unlike Peter's, it can double as ordinary college-student clothes."

"Cut the crap," I say, getting ready to use my webline on him. "You're not gonna win, Norman. Even if you get us erased...well, just look at what Doctor Strange did for the original Peter and MJ."

"Speaking of MJ, isn't she still on the other side of the portal?" asks Norman.

I snort at him. "Wouldn't you like to know."

"And why would you find it preferable to be immortalized on DVD than to just die and be done with it?" Norman asks. "I can only imagine the horrors of that kind of digital quote-unquote 'life.' Forever stuck in binary form, only able to show signs of life for five minutes at a time when someone plays a disc, and even then only after Strange has worked his magic on that disc...sounds like endless hell to me."

"How would you know?" I ask. "Have you ever experienced it yourself?"

"Have you?"

Obviously, I have no answer, but I don't need one. The fact that he had to parrot my own question is proof that he knows no more about Doctor Strange and his metaphysical mind-fuckery than I do.

After about a week's worth of training, I've finally started getting used to having webshooters on my jacket cuffs at all times. I strike, firing webline at Norman's midsection before he can react, even with the aid of Spidey-senses. Is it possible to undo the effects of the spider serum? I'm not asking for me - more for him.

I wouldn't advise that, says Ricky. Every time I've seen any kind of 'mutant cure' in fiction - be it X-Men or Witch & Wizard - whoever gets that cure loses such a vital part of themselves as a result. I wouldn't wish that sort of empty feeling on anyone. He snickers, making me wish I could see him, because I can only imagine how hilarious his accompanying facial expression is. Well, there's always a first time. And right now, we're facing a pretty nasty guy, aren't we?

Don't "royal we" me, I think, tugging on the webline as Norman struggles to pull himself free. Or whatever that "we" is. We're both pretty evenly matched, so I take the opportunity to look around and see how the others are doing in their own fights.

Skye generates sinkholes around Doc Ock, trapping his tentacles for about five seconds at a time.

Clint sends arrows flying at Vulture, and when he finally hits his target, the arrow is stuck in Vulture's wing, wrecking his flight pattern.

Natasha and Steve have taken on each of the two Sinisters we've left unopposed. She's engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Kraven - just the way he likes it, I think. And as for the Rhino, his massive suit is no match for the powerful whacks it's receiving at the hands of Steve and his shield

Peter's managed to use his own webline to tie Harry's glider to the ground, preventing him from flying away. This, of course, only serves to piss Harry off further, and he fires his glider's weapons - mostly guns - erratically in all directions. Norman and I are both forced to dive to the ground to avoid some of the bullets from this random volley. In the process, the webline between us breaks, allowing him to get closer to me when we both get up again.

I'm ready for him, though. As he runs after me, I crouch in a runner's pose, then spring up and out. I pull my arm back, rotating it a bit so I can put a little more power into my punch. Norman's suitably surprised when he finds himself falling backwards rather than running forwards. He clutches his jaw, and I hear a creepy click-like sound - I didn't actually dislocate it or anything, did I?

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