Chapter 5

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"Y/n, It's time to wake up" A voice said

You fluttered your eyes open to see Makio in front of you.

"Toko needed help with her research" Makio spoke

"Tell her I'll be there in a second" You say removing the blanket off of you

Makio nodded and walked out the room. You got out of the blanket and walked out the room to see Suma and Daisuke in the living room watching a cartoon while Hinatsuru was looking at a piece of paper.

"Hey mama Y/n" Daisuke said rushing over to give you a hug

"Hey buddy, how are you?" You ask

"Good, Toko's in her room waiting for you by the way!" Daisuke smiled

"Well that might have to be on hold cause dinner's almost ready" Tengen said getting plates

"That's alright, I just gotta get our research books to help us out" You say walking towards Toko's room

"Alright" Tengen smiled

You knocked on Toko's door to see if she was going to allow you in (cs respect)

"May I come in?" You ask

"Yep!"Toko yelled

You walk into her room to see her pens, highlighters, and notebooks out.

"Dinners almost done, so can it wait until then?" You ask

"Oh, I already knew" Toko smiled "Dad told me you were sleeping which was understandable since you were up all night" 

"Yeah, Lemme get the books we're working with and then we'll start after dinner, How's that sound?" You smile

"Alright, can I help you?" Toko asked

"How about you change out of your uniform first and then you can help me out" You chuckle

"Right, sorry" Toko smiled

After a few minutes you were in your memory box looking for the notes you took on based off the Sengoku era and some other books you Un-biological parents gave you when you were studying breathing styles. You heard a box fall behind you and spin your head quickly. You see photos scattered everywhere.

"Damn it" You say standing up

You walk over and pick up the photo's until you see a picture of your father with his sword along with your mother.

'Damn' you say wiping your eyes

"Y/n, Are you up here?" Tengen yelled from the stairs

"Yea, What's up?" You yell back

"Dinner's ready!" Tengen replied

"Alright, I'll be there in a sec" You say

You pick up the photo's and bring the notebooks and books downstairs into Toko's room. You make your way into the kitchen and sit down next to Suma.

"So, how was school kids?" Tengen asked giving out plates

"Mine was fine, just the loads of test we have" Hitoshi said picking up his chopsticks

"Fairly easy actually" Daisuke said after swallowing his food

"What about you Toko?" Makio asked

"It was decent, the fencing team isn't allowing girls to tryout though but they have karate and martial arts for next year" Toko said eating her sushi

"Well, I'm sorry they don't allow girls fencing" Hinatsuru smiled

" Its fine really, it doesn't matter to me that much" Toko smiled

After dinner, you and Toko went to her room to study her project.

"So, let's review before we go for a walk" You smile "So whaat was the first breathing style created?"

"Sun breathing, and Sun breathing is the strongest breathing style and coming second would be moon breathing" Toko answered

"Correct, Who created Sun breathing?" You asked

"Was it Yoriichii Tsugikuni?"Toko asked

"Yep, who was the one who created demons?" You asked

"Micheal Jackson" She replied

'This kid-'

"Y'know what, do you know the actual name of the demon king?" You ask

"Muzan Kibutsuji" She replied

"OK, that's all that matters then" You smile "What was the blue spider lily?"

"The blue spider lily is rare type of flower in the Demon Slayer universe that has regenerative properties. It is said to have the capability of creating demons. It gives rise to the original demon Micheal Jackson and if perhaps administered to its full dosage, can help spawn demons with the perfect immortal body, resistant to the sun" Toko replied 

'There was no way in hell this kid remembered all of that in just a matter of- y'know what nevermind'

"Correct, Who was the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps in the Sengoku Era?" You asked

"After the actual leader died his son took position and lead the corps"Toko smiled

"You could've just said his son, but that's fine" You joke

"Sorry" Toko laughed

"You ready for the walk girls?" Tengen asked opening the door

"Yep, are you ready, Toko?" You asked

"Yep" Toko said getting up and dusting off her kimono

~Little Dove~|Tengen Uzuix Y/nx Three wives{Part 2 of: The fourth Wife?}Where stories live. Discover now