Episode 12 - The 2nd Selection

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Y/n walks through the gateway and ends up on an empty pitch

Y/n: Strange place.

A ball shoots out of a wall and Y/n on instinct alone jumps up and traps it with ease 

A ball shoots out of a wall and Y/n on instinct alone jumps up and traps it with ease 

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Y/n: Huh? Why am I up here?

Y/n lands on the floor and sees a weird hologram thing in front of him. It gets in a goal-keeping position and a "goal-zone" is made behind him. His name is Blue Lock Man

Y/n: Blue lock man? That's a pretty silly name. How about we name you...never mind

Y/n shoots with his left foot with incredible speed into the top left of the goal. Blue Lock Man dived to save it but wasn't able to

Y/n: I'm surprised you even got close, to be honest. Definitely not high-school level

A prompt comes up above Blue Lock man. It gives 90 minutes for Y/n to score 100 goals

Y/n: Oh ok. So 99 more to go? This'll be pretty easy then

Y/n casually flicks up the ball and kicks it into the goal. Blue Lock Man might not be as good as he thought

Y/n: Wow. Even Igaguri could get past this.

Y/n quickly gets up to 30 goals and then it shifts to level 2. This time there are hologram players in the way

Y/n: Ok this is a bit harder

Y/n catches the next ball with his head and walks past the defenders he then jumps slightly to send the ball up and overhead kicks it into the goal

Y/n: Only a bit.

Ego and Anri are watching Y/n play. Ego has a smile on his face whilst Anri is in awe

Ego: He's exactly what this facility needs. A player who pushes other players to be better

Anri: He seems a little too good to be someone who doesn't play professionally. Before Blue Lock, we didn't have much info on him

Ego: He didn't grow up with much. He got basic education and that's about it

Anri: How do you know that Ego?

Ego: Connections. The public doesn't know about him but a lot of pros do. He's kinda like a secret that only people deep in the football world would know. He also is a bit of a flirt...

Anri starts to blush

Anri: Yeah...

Ego: Good thing this is a men's-only facility. or else he wouldn't be able to focus on football

Y/n is scoring goals in a quick fashion. Level 2 didn't seem to give him much of a challenge. He quickly progressed into level max

Y/n: So this is level max?

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