Episode 46 - Zombie

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Y/n: I can already tell he's going to be a problem. Don Lorenzo the "Ace Eater"? I guess he'll target the best players on a team which would be me and Kaiser. How exciting...

Kaiser: Quit laughing Lorenzo. Every time you show off those disgusting gold teeth, it pisses me off.

Y/n: Guess he got Grillz with his salary. What a waste...

Lorenzo: Michael. If I shut you down...that means I'm worth more than 300 million right?

Kaiser: As always...You're a creepy gold-toothed loan shark who only sees people as money.

Lorenzo: Well, duh. The saying "there's nothing in this world that money can't buy", is true, right?

Lorenzo points to the Bastard München line up and refers to them as money

Lorenzo: 27 million. 30 million...

Lorenzo points at Kurona, Yukimiya and Isagi.

Lorenzo: 24 million, 30 million, 50 million and...

Lorenzo points at you and smiles

Lorenzo: Big boy 100 million

Y/n: I'd say I'm worth more than that...

Lorenzo: Time to devour them all, Ubers. Ready to counterattack?

Lorenzo pulls his leg back, getting ready for a long pass

Raichi: It's coming!! He's going long!

Gagamaru: Watch out for the counter!

Kunigami runs to Lorenzo

Kunigami: in your dreams, you gold-toothed weirdo.

Lorenzo: Buh bye...

Y/n: What is THAT? He moves like he has no bones!

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Y/n: What is THAT? He moves like he has no bones!

Raichi: Try and get past me, Mr. Next Gen World XI! Challenge me to a duel.

Lorenzo: Huh? Aren't you worth absolutely zero?

Lorenzo gets in Raichi's face

Lorenzo: Can I call you Mr Worthless?

Raichi: The FU...!?

Lorenzo instantly gets serious and dribbles the ball wildly past Raichi

Y/n: He's like some sort of Zombie...I need to stop him

Y/n runs towards Lorenzo and attempts to tackle him hit Lorenzo gets rid of the ball before he gets there

Y/n: Lorenzo's moving up! I think he switched positions with Niko!!

Y/n runs up and focuses on everyone's position on the field

Y/n: Lorenzo's moving up to pass to Barou... A highly defensive team with an aggressive counterattack finished by a pure striker...

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