The store part 2

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Chapter 4 part 2

Ok ,so What color should we paint the rooms?
Black  -Yasir & Kai
White or purple or black - Thalia & Cleo
Pink -Red
Raven- No ,defintely not

Red- Why not ? It s gonna be light like blush Pink not Neon so i don't see the problem with it

Raven - We are not paiting the room Pink ,and that's final ( he says as he takes the black paint box ,not knowing Red also took a pink one ,and hide it under  some other things they got ,forgetting about it )

Red - OMG ( says as she sees the led lights)

Raven - What?

Red- Lights !!! ( Says running to the shelf with lights )

Raven - How Many lights do You freaking need ? ( He says as he sees her barely being able to hold them )

Red- 6

Raven - 6? Why in the world do You need 6  lights

Red- Obviously for our room , Because it's too dark at night and i don't like that , one for the bathroom cause it will look cool , one for the kitchen ,cause Why not? ,One for the leaving room,for partys  ,and the others for The grils and the boys rooms  ( She says as she strugels to put them in the cart )

Raven- I had to ask ...

Red- Ok ,so what else do we have to take? ( Says as she checks the shop list that Thalia gave to each pair)
Bed Shets ,ok ,let's go then

~ after minutes later not finding the sheets ~

Red- We had circeld the whole store for minutes just to don't fucking find the fucking sheets

Raven- ( surprised by her outburst he says )
Damn ,and i thought Yasir swears a lot
~some minutes later~ ( still not finding the sheets Red decides to call Cleo )

--over the phone--

Red- We can' t find the fucking sheets,What now ?
Cleo- Did you guys looked everywere ?
Red- yes , We fucking Did ,for almost half hour
Cleo - ok ok ,easy with the nerves,maybe try ask a worker ?
Red- Worker ,Really ? Why in the world would.... Wait that's actually a briliant ideea , Why Didn' i think about IT ?
Cleo - Cause You get angry easy and forget thinking logic
Red- Whatever , bye bye ( says as she ends the call)
Ok so , We need to find someone who works here
Raven-  I know ,but i enjoyed seeing you getting mad
What about the guy over there ?
Raven- are you sure ?

Red- no ,but what could go wrong ?

Raven- a lot ,but ,do you

Red- Hi,sorry ,uhm ,do you maybe have an idea where We could  find the Bed Sheets? We looked everywere and still nothing

The worker - Hi , yeah, actually i can show you ( his thoughts: she's so fine ,Man ,i can't wait to grab that ass and )
( hes thoughts are intrerrupted as Raven spoke)

Red- Ohw thank you ( says smiling politely)

Raven - How about you just tell us where they are , it's easier and faster

Red- Don' t be rude
The worker- Yhea ,don't be rude (his thoughts: What are You her boyfriend or something?

Raven - Yes ,I am , so would you kindly tell us were the sheets are or should i break your bones? ( Said unbotherd)

Red -Raven!
Raven- shut up Princess ,go take the sheets,they are near the entrance ,go

As Red went to get them ,Raven got close to the guys ear

Raven- You better keep those filthy thoughts away from her ,or i'll make sure too break every single bone in your body,understood? ( Threathend as his eyes went red as hell fire ) making the Little perv trembel under his demonic  gaze 

Red- Raven (She says calmly)
Raven- What?

Red- Where is the cart?

Raven- There ( says pointing to where he left it ,but it was nothing)I swear IT was there , i didn't touch it

Red- Then where Did IT go? It can't just evaporate !

Raven - Easy

Red- im not a horse

Raven- When Did i say you were ?

Red-just call your brothers or Something

Raven- Why me ,Why can't you call your friends

Red- Because i tried and they don 't answer

Raven - Fine ( after 10 min later) not answering either

Red- Great ,just great ,What If Something bad happend? What If they got kidnapped or worse ??

Raven- or they took everthing and let us here

Red- Why would they do that ? And how could You think that ?

Raven -First of all ,they Did tell us they would let us here If we fight and second of all ,they left this massage and they also took the car stupid ( says as he shows her through the windows)

Red- The car??? How are We supposed to go back home without a car

Raven- We could call a cab? Easy

Red- NO! I-I mean , maybe We could walk ,IT s not like it s that far away ,Yhea

Raven- Why in the world would You want to walk instead of talking a cab ?

Red- cause it' s healthy,Yhea ( cause i can 't risk someone recognise me ,and know im not dead)

Raven- ( dead? What in the world Did You do that You hide ? )

Red- What? Do i have Something on my face? Omg ,is it my makeup? ( Says as She takes her mirror from her purse too look at her perfect make-up,obvi)

Raven- no ,What ?

Red- okay then, well lets get moving old men

Raven- old men ??? Execuse me ,kiddo

Red- Hey  im not a kid !

Raven- And im not an old men! ( kinda )

Red- If You stop calling me a kid i will try to stop calling You an old men

Raven- ( he just looks at her and then walks off )

Red- îs that a yes? Sir! Well i ll take that as a yes ( smiling victoriusly) rushing to keep up with him
Red- can You walk slower , i can t walk this fast in hells ,You know how hard it is ( says as he walks faster)
Come oooonnn ,walk slower ,IT s almost dark What If you get lost ,or worse , I get lost (She says begging)

Raven- roliing his eyes annoyed Finally says , i will slow down If You Say please.

Red - Fine , Can You walk slower,please ( asshole whsipers )

Raven - repeat that

Red - ( as her face goes red ) i don 't know What are You talking about  ( says acting cluelles but failling adorably )

Raven- Ok ( as he walks even faster )

Red- Wait ! Im sorry ,please? ( As She does puppy eyes)

Raven- well,Why are You still standing there ( says as he stopped waiting for her)

Red- Thank You ( says as she is now besides him )

Raven- Yhea ok ,just keep up this time  ,would you

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