After dinner

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AFTER DINNER they are all still siting at the table ,having some drinks

~~Cleos phone rings~~

Cleo-Shit(says as she spills all her soda everywhere near the dinning table as she picks up her phone)

Kai-Fuck Cleooo,really?(as she gets her soda all over his chair)

Cleo-Sorry,my bad

Red-Here,you can stay there(says as she points with her finger to the chair next to her,as Kai tries to wipe the soda from the floor,chair and table )

Raven-Careful brother,you almost got it on me(making a disgusted face)

Kai-(rolls his eyes at his brothers comment and goes to seat on the chair next to Red)

(Raven moves closer to Reds side)

Red-Can you move??



Raven- Because I ain't getting sticky from all that soda,and trust me princess I don't enjoy it either

~some time later~and some drinks later if u know what I mean 😉

Red-Geez,how long have they talked with eachother (says as she looks over at Thalia and Yasir playing with her drink),now making Raven and Kai looking at them 2 .

Red-Geez,how long have they talked with eachother (says as she looks over at Thalia and Yasir playing with her drink),now making Raven and Kai looking at them 2

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<Red's mind> They are so cute,he's so gonna fuck her and she definitely wants to be fxcked .I bet they'll do it by the end of the month,shit (says as Thalia enters Reds mind being able to hear eerything as that is her superpower,and don't forget **the boys hear the girls thoughts every single time and read them,but Thalia can't read theyr mind**)

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