8. The anamoly

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A couple of weeks had gone by since the night I had that threesome with Bethany and Angela. I was just nonstop thinking about how I can be there for Beth cause deep down she's a broken person who's been abused in every way possible after we continued to chat over the course of the last week we got lunch together. I was sitting in Ms.Perls class just nonstop thinking about the horrify thing Bethany's father did to her when she was a teenager and was caught off guard by my teacher.*
"Y/N? Y/N?" "Y/N are you alright?" *she said in a concerning way as I leaned my head halfway on the desk half asleep while looking up at her as I was up all night working on a Turn paper for another class.* "yeah yeah I'm fine don't worry" *she sighed and went back to her desk grabbing a stack full of papers.*

"Here are your grades back I just wanted to see your based knowledge on some of the things we went over in class so I can personally help each and everyone whom is and whom isn't struggling right now. Just know that this grade doesn't and will not impact your grade in any way it's just to test your basic knowledge to see where you guys are at." *I groaned and took my paper which read at the top* "Great work all questions answered in great detail but see me after class." *I just thought to myself of what it could be as I put my paper aside sighing on what it could possibly be.* "Alright I think we've gone over enough stuff today and your all burnt out which isn't my goal to do so I'll let you all chat or take a nap until the bell rings." *Everyone was so happy about this and began chatting with each other as I rested my head on the desk.*

"Hey you good?" *Bethany sat in front of me who was really concerned about me at the moment.* "yeah just tired I got no fucking sleep thanks to our cunt of an English professor." "Yep I know she can be a lot as she nonstop gives out essays but in the future just give me to me and I'll get it done no problem." "Thanks Beth much appreciated!" *she smiled and nodded before asking me what was up.* "Y/N I can tell when somethings up so don't lie buddy.* "after you told me that horrifying story it kinda shook me in a way." *She sighed heavily.* "Oh Y/N I get it completely but come on now you can't just let that story just fill up your head and feel miserable for me that I won't be able to have a family.*

"I've pretty much accepted it Y/N there no need to pity for me though it's cute of you to think of me like that." *I was reassured and after a while I stopped thinking about for now.* "hey where has Jenny been?" *Beth shrugged her shoulders.* "I dunno I haven't seen her in a while now it's been a week now." "Huh" *I was quite confused on why no has seen her at all.* "I'll go look for her after school." *As we continued to talk the bell rang which spooked the both of us.* "fucking he'll that bell is loud!" "Yeah ya don't say" *I stopped Beth for a minute.* "hey umm Beth can we talk for a minute?" "Sure but make it quick" "if you want I'd be down to have some more one on one time.*

"Tempting very tempting...but I have class and I need to go soooo buh bye!" *she winked at me and walked out the door as I grabbed my bag.* "I'll see later Ms. Perl." "Hey come back I wanna have a chat" "sure what's up I have a class to go to so please make it quick." *she smiled softly and walked up to me.* "I can smell your scent all over her...is it true?" *I chuckled nervously.*  "oh come on where'd you get that idea from." "I didn't ask for a bullshit story just answer the question." *I was a bit taken by back her rudeness as she moved closer to me.*

"Ms. Perl this is extremely beyond borderline in appropriate, I have to get going!" *she grabbed my wrist as there was no escape from her grip.* "I'll write you a pass dear but be honest, did you two have a little thing going?" *I nodded and looked at her with a tiny smirk.* "you bad boy." *she playfully growled at me.* "ya do know I get off work around 4ish and...I'm not married so don't worry about a thing." *I gulped hard as she slithered her hand resting it on my crotch as she looked at me while biting her lower lip.* "let me know soon so we can have some fun at my place" "oh, ok"

An Alternate world (Human male reader x anthro girls harem)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें