17. Epilogue

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*5 years have passed on since the incident that occurred with Y/N and his crazy ex and the two have graduated from college and now live together with plenty of riches that will last them for an entire lifetime, Y/N has a full time career in the construction industry while Sarina works in the medical field as a nurse practitioner and the two have been very successful making more money then they could possibly imagine. Kya eventually returned to Y/N and she is now the defense AI of the couples house since there married.*

*Y/N and Sarina were sitting on the couch snuggling close as she got up to go use the restroom.* "Hey honey do you think we'll be able to make it to Bethany's house I heard she's having a get together with her family along with Angela and Jenn.* "yeah I think we'll be able to make it, why do you say otherwise?" "Well I have to finish paperwork and you have to do all the bills?" "Oh fuck! I forgot" "Y/N. You forgot to pay the bills?!" "It was one bill love" "phew oh okay! You had me concerned there but please tell me you did take care of the mortgage?" "Yes don't worry love I took care of it." *I kissed her forehead.* "hey where you going?" "Gotta use the bathroom I'll be right back." *I sat back down and started scrolling through my phone for a couple of minutes before I heard a loud scream come from the bathroom." *I jumped up from my seat and rushed over to the bathroom as Sarina looked up and down at the pregnancy test she held in her hand.* "Look!" *she handed it to me and it had the double lines on it and we shared a happy smile at one another as we hugged eachother.*

The end...

So that wraps up this crazy journey of
Y/N and his experience in this world as he never returned to earth and stayed with Sarina forever as they got married and had a long happy life together. Before I put this book to rest I need to come clean with the audience cause it's the right thing to do. I owe everyone an explanation on why I was very inactive throughout my time since I've been on his app and not heavily engaged with writing and to be honest it was cause I was very busy with college and there were a lot of things going on in my life that needed to change for the better which is why I took breaks.

I do want to mention that this story could've been written 10x better then it was but I came to realize that the story wasn't really going anywhere and I was struggling to come up with a compelling and exciting plot so instead of wasting more time and more importantly your time. I chose to stop all this other nonsense I had planned out and just crammed in all the stuff I could think of that was part of the original cut.

I do wanna say that I will write more action and romance books weather it's fur/yiff harems or simple romance action stories but I need a bit of a break. This story took way longer than it should've and I had originally planned this out to be a 3 book series but it kept being taken down. Finally before I go I must thank you all for all the support it means a lot and I didn't really expect to get this far with writing

Till next time sincerely Creation

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