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One day. Nothing.

Two days. Nothing.

Three days. Something. She unfollowed me on Instagram.

Four days. Nothing.

Five days. Nothing.

Six days.

The week continued on, blending into one another and all Jennie could think about was those few chapters in the second or third Twilight book where Edward was gone and Bella withered away to nothing. Am I really that pathetic? Wow.

"Jennie, there's someone here to see you." A faceless voice, probably a member of the crew, called from outside her bunk, and the cat-eyed girl sighed as she pulled herself out of bed.

"Wow. You look like shit." Without even looking up, Jennie knew who the voice belonged to, and she knew that she currently had the biggest shit-eating grin on her face.

"Like you look any better." Jennie mumbled, but laughed at the statement. Jisoo was a model and somehow always managed to look perfect, even after sitting on an airplane for hours, and sometimes it made Jennie want to punch her in the face.

This, however, wasn't one of those times, because the brunette-haired girl ran over to hug her best friend. "I missed you."

"Missed you too, J. How have you been holding up?" Jisoo asked as she pulled back from the embrace.

"Just fine." Jennie lied, raising her eyebrows.

"You lying little shit."

"She's been ignoring me for the past week. She unfollowed me on Instagram."

"She's still following me.."

"Not helping."


"How much longer are you grounded for?"

"Well, it's been 4 days, so only 54 more."


"No shit, Sherlock."

Rosé laughed on the other end of the phone, causing Lisa to giggle as well.

"If you weren't stuck in your room, I'd beat the shit out of you."

"No you wouldn't. You love me."

"I guess."

"L-EEEEESA-ah. Mommy says you aren't allowed on the phone." Lia ran into the room, whispering, out of fear that her sister might get in trouble.

"I gotta go, Rosé. I'll text you."

"Alright, little mama. Keep your chin up, yeah?"

"I'll try my best."

Lisa hung up and held her arms out to her little sister. "Come here, little bit." Lia crawled into her arms and snuggled into her as Lisa laid down on the bed. "Why are mom and dad mad at you?" She asked, playing with her older sister's hair. "I did something bad, Lia." Lisa confessed softly, pulling her lower lip between her teeth. "I made a big mistake."

"Like coloring outside the lines?"

"A bit bigger than that."
Lisa laughed.

Lisa was about to further her statement, but the Instagram notification on her phone went off, then again. She grabbed her phone and looked at it. The first said that Kim Jisoo followed her- why? And the second said that she messaged her.

@sooyaaa: This is Lisa, right?

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