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Phantom Lord


They knew it would happen. But that didn't mean they were happy about it.

"Gajeel and Juvia would be theirs again," they had to remind themselves. Gray was the most excited to see if his wife is back too, as much as he find her eccentricities adorable now. He didn't want to creep her out too.

He was deeply hoping that she did come back, Gray already rebuilt his house the way they had it years into the future.

Everyone was grumbling at how their guild, their home. Was destroyed by rainbow flames. It was utterly frustrating. The master was calm, like last time, they worry. Would Gajeel crucified Levy and her team again?

The boys don't think they would be able to hold Lucy off it that was the case. Jude wasn't the cause of this incident this time. It was a third party they had no idea who they were.

But whoever they are; they hired Phantom Lord to fight against their guild, and they they couldn't forgive.

The team had spent the past few days trying to gather any information they could about this mysterious third party. They had sent out scouts and investigators to track down any leads, but so far they had come up empty-handed.

Frustration and anger had started to set in, but they knew they couldn't let those emotions get the best of them. They needed to stay focused and keep pushing forward.

Gray had been working tirelessly to rebuild their guild hall, determined to make it even better than it was before. He wanted to show everyone that they were not defeated, that they were strong enough to overcome any obstacle.

As the days passed, their hope began to dwindle. But then, one day, a stranger walked into the guild hall. But it wasn't a stranger to them, it was Gajeel and Juvia.

"It's Black Steel Gajeel," Someone whispered in the hall.

"Along with the Rain Woman too,"

Gray and the others were hopeful. They had deeply hoped that it was their Gajeel and Juvia, they need all the power for the final fight.

"Gray-sama~!" Juvia squealed in delight as she jumped into his arms.

Gray held onto her tightly, feeling relief and happiness wash over him. He couldn't believe that they were back, safe and sound.

Gajeel grinned at them, his trademark smirk on his face. "Looks like you guys missed us," he said.

Natsu punched him in the arm playfully, a smile on his face. "Of course we did, you big lug."

Gajeel's expression turned serious. "We have to talk," he said, motioning for them to follow him.

They all gathered in a quiet corner of the guild hall, listening intently as Gajeel told them everything he knew about the third party who had hired Phantom Lord to attack them.

"It is another noble family from the west Ishgar; the Julenelles, Juvia believes,” Juvia said as she cuddles into Gray's arms, “Phantom Lord was tasked to capture Lucy-san so the disgusting pig could force her to marry him,”

Natsu tsked in annoyance, he knew the downside of his wife's status as a Duke's heir. So disgusting pigs like Julenelle would try this kind of bullshit.

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