God's love delivered us.

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God's love delivered us.
DP#3 F26-15

"God's love delivered us"

Keep yourselves in God's love.

For the world now is against you. It keeps on trying to deceive and destroy you to be out of your faith and hope. The enemies are laying traps and if you fall your life will be ruined.

So be watchful. Guard your fortress, for your environment is a potential enemies's trap. Watch the road as well as you walk, please walk with consciousness, be aware in every place you're going to -for it can be used by evil against you. Brace your self if you encounter any trouble. The battle of life is not sword by sword, you don't have your chariots, nor wearing metal breast plate, helmet and with shield -you don't have all of these.
You are vulnerable from the battles of this world. You will fight alone. No co-soldiers that can help, for you are an ordinary person. Even your close friends can't be there for you to help 24/7. If they went home -you will be alone again. Who now can help you, to wipe your tears, or pat your shoulders, to hear your sad stories, to really cheer you up, to give you peace out of stressful situation? There's none, but God.

For the Lord will restore the splendor, He who can deliver us from all of these: pains, sufferings, sicknesses, or even deaths.
Our Father in heaven extending His hands for us to hold unto him. God is not so far, yet He can be at our side -every day and every night and in every circumstances you will encounter. God can be our closest friend, or dearest parent for us through Jesus Christ -the righteous one who sacrificed his life for us. But see, Jesus conquered death. After He died on the cross, He was buried but on the third day He rose again. That's how He demonstrate His love for us -and also for the whole world. How wonderful to be with God's love. Death is no more, pain is no more or any trouble is no more to God.

Why I said how it's wonderful to be with God's love? because our enemies in life is no more to our God.
For anyone who is in Christ, who can be against them?
Your enemies can't be against you if you are in Christ. But if you are not in Him, then you are against to God. You will be turn to an enemy of God. Can you be against God?
Surely you are no match with God. That's why we come to know Him. And we know that we have come to know Him if we obey His commands.
For it is written, "the man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone obey His word, God's love is truly made complete in him. That is how we know we are in him -if we walk in His commandments and walk like what Jesus did. Then God's love will be true to us.

Knowing him is not enough I said, for there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires even they already knew God. Some has this idea, God is a loving God. Surely he will forgive me if I commit sin because He loves me -then he will continue committing sin.
They are godlessmen, who change the grace of our God into a lisence of immorality: men with ungodly acts, and they have done in ungodly ways, and with their ungodly words that was all against to God.
That's why it says here, keep yourselves in God's love. For the love of God can deliver us from our ungodly desires which causes by this world.
God's love can win any battles of life, even impossible things or unsolvable problems or any circumstances (name it), only by God's love can deliver us.

But, keep yourself in God's love.

Nahum 2:1-4; 1 john 2:1-6; Jude 1:3-5, 10, 14-25

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