Enjoy life, enjoy God's gift.

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Enjoy life, enjoy God's gift.
DP#4 F27-15

"Enjoy life, Enjoy God's gift"

God gives a man wealth, possessions and honor, so that he lacks nothing his heart desires, but God does not enable him to enjoy them...
Ecc. 6:2
Imagine a rich man committed suicide because of frustration. His confused heart can't recognized riches, wealth and honors; imagine a poor family who are laughing and enjoying their cheap food together. It illustrates that money, riches or possessions can't be the real cause of happiness. You can enjoy life without it, (but God knows you need it, so He will provide it for you)

Who gives wealth to us anyway? It is God.
Who gives us prosperity? It is God.
Who gives us honor? It is God.
If a stranger gives you a gift, you may confused. You will asked why he/she gave you a gift? Who's this person gave you this gift from the first place? Maybe you'll feel fear... is it harmful? maybe it is a bomb? You will open the gift with hesitation, you don't get surprised from it. Can you enjoy the gift? maybe yes if you are a desperate man and maybe no if you are a normal person who received a gift from a stranger and get confused from it.
How if this gift that you received was came from your enemy? You immediately trash the gift, for you knew it's a curse from your enemy. You will get alarmed from it. Or you knew the person but you don't like him/her, you may not be surprised or you will think twice, a suspicious thought, you think trice and you will asked yourself, "do I need to use it?" its not likeable gift like the giver who are always unlikeable.
But if you received a gift from your very loved ones, for example, your gf/bf or from a person who is so close to your heart, as you receive the gift from your hands you feel something great, you feel so excited to open the gift. You will recognize the giver and will admire him/her. Whatever the gift inside you will be loved it, you appreciate it even it is just a little thing, a cheap gift or unbranded things or not so likeable thing but the very first idea comes to your mind, "my beloved gave me a gift," and you will enjoy it.

In the scripture said, "God gives a man wealth, possessions and honor but this man can't enjoy it. This is a very grievous thing.
A man having a wealth? He don't suffering incurable disease, or not having for example a lung cancer or stage 4 cancer, you don't undergoing chemotherapy because you are in your wealth but you can't enjoy it?
you have your possessions, small and great possessions but you don't enjoy any of it? See a beggar or those who are street children, those family which doesn't have a house, they're sleeping under the overpass or those beggar laying their hands in every person walking along the streets and got ignored and received harsh words by those irritated conscious people you are not like them cause you have your possessions but then you can't enjoy this? A man having a honor but still can't enjoy it? Other people honor you, they are seeing you with honor, maybe some envy you because they don't get same honor as you have, see those unrespectable person, those who called the ill of the society, those without honor -you are not like them but you still not enjoying it? So grievous thing.
What causes these? What are the causes of these?

First, it says here in Ecclesiastes 6:1, "I have seen another evil under the sun, and it weighs heavily on men... there is no other causes of unenjoyment but evil. In John 10:10 says, "The theif comes only to steal and kill and destroy..."
Evil is a stealer. You suppose to enjoy God's gift but this evil steal the very feelings you ought to feel. Evil confuses you that whatever you receive were came from a strangers. Evil don't want you to recognize God as your giver so that you will not enjoy His gift, for the evil are so envious for they not received same gift as we received. Disappoint evil by acknowledging God as your giver so that you can enjoy prosperity.

Imagine a very great God gives you something. That's a wow for you!
Dont let evil change your hearts desire. For the confused heart look for a gift and not for a giver. That's why even his feelings or what is ought to feel is at confusion.
Whatever the gift you'll feel thankful, you enjoy even a little things because it came from your beloved. God created our heart to desire of His presence.
See, the very nature of man is to desire God. But here comes the evil who will steal that truth and put something in our heart then it will tell to us to desire God's possession, to desire power, wealth, material things and honor but not God.

Our heart is so deceitful. That's why we need to guard our heart. But still we failed because of the evil around us who confuses us, who destroys our hope and kills our faith.
You are off-guard by yourself alone. But Jesus said in John 10:9, "I am the gate: whoever enters through me will be saved." Jesus can guards your heart. You are like a sheep at the flocks which is secured because of the shepherd who can guards 24/7.
Imagine you are at peace even there's a lot of roaring lion seeking to kill you but you don't have to worry about for there is Jesus who will guard you (but make sure you are inside the sheep flocks, you are inside of His hedges)
Remember the last phrase I wrote yesterday, "keep yourself in God's love". For Lord Jesus have come that we may have life and have it to the fullest!"

The very time you received Jesus, that's the time you can enjoy life to the fullest. You don't have to be confused for you knew who is the one that gives your life. Remind yourself that God loves you. Actually He really died on the cross for us, He gave His life for us. That when He died we may get life to the fullest. Not half empty and half full, not half happy and half sad. If you meditate God's love every positive aspects of life you can now experience. You don't have to be frustrated, when you desire something but you don't get it. Remember, "God loves you," He knows what is best for you.
When we continue to read the verse in John 10:9 is says, "He will come in and go out and find pasture,"
See, Jesus is really working for us, He finds greater pasture for His sheep. He plans better things for our life just be a sheep of God. Enjoy God's gift, live life to the fullest!
If you are full of love of God automatically you will share God's gift. And this gift is His love. Share God's love. Like a glass full of water and you continue pour some water -what will happened? The excess water will continue to flow out of the glass.

In Philemon 1:6 St. Paul prayed here that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.
If you are full in God's love, you can share your love and it will continue to flow out. You share God's love. You will share how you enjoy God's love. For your heart desire is in the right path, not confused anymore- for your heart desires God's love. God is enough for us to enjoy our life.

Ecc. 6:1-3; Col 3:23; Philemon 1:6; John 10:9-11

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