iii. shameless flirting

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wynbauer: Both of these pictures are my body

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wynbauer: Both of these pictures are my body. And I love both versions. Time to embrace the body you've been given, flaws and all.


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usera: literally why do i love her so much?

userb: HOT HOT HOT

userc: we love a confident queen

userd: i'm sweating at the first picture but the second one made me fall a little more in love with her.

violetbennett: Thanks for the photo creds, hot stuff.
— wynbauer: Sorry? I love youuuu.
— violetbennett: You're lucky I love you too.

usere: violet and wyn make my heart so happy

userf: this makes me feel so much better about myself, honestly. my body isn't always the first picture and i always compare myself to other women but... seeing that not everyone is always flawless is amazing.

userg: insta vs reality be very real right here

trevorzegras: An absolute hottie. No matter what. 😍
— wynbauer: If you keep hitting on me, I'm gonna slide in those DMs, boy.
— trevorzegras: What makes you think that's not my goal, woman?
— wynbauer: 👅👅👅
— trevorzegras: 😘😘😘

userh: listen... zegras hitting on this babe makes me question everything i thought i knew about hockey players.
— userh: like... where can i get my own? who hits on me whenever?? SIGN ME UP.
— useri: lowkey thought you were gonna say something about how she doesn't deserve it and i was ready to fight.
— grahamcracker: Honestly though, me too.

userj: bro like 98% of her photos are so unflattering why does she have such a following??

userk: i would sell my soul to have the confidence this woman has

userl: i wanna know if she took the dogs to the beach with her?? bc blue and juice are my life
— wynbauer: Of course I did!! They go everywhere with me, lmao. Love those two beasts.

userm: do i wanna be her or be on her?
— usern: good question bc same

usero: screaming at z's shameless flirting WHERE IS HUGHES TO TEASE HIM???

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