xiii. kind of hot

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xiii. kind of hot

A couple days later, Wyn is curled up in her bed when her phone starts vibrating. She furrows her eyebrows as she stares at the screen, Trevor's contact name and photo lighting up the screen. They've been texting basically nonstop and she's obsessed with how great he makes her feel, but she's still worried it's fleeting and he's not actually serious about her. It's not hard for her to make the decision to answer the phone, longing to hear his voice speaking her name. She quickly slides her finger across the screen to accept the call.

"Hi," she says softly, using one hand to tangle her fingers in Blue's fur.

"Hey," he answers, his voice instantly warming her up. "I just realized we haven't heard each other's voices actually talking to each other and knew I needed it."

      "Oh yeah? Or are you just lonely on the road?"

      "Definitely lonely on the road," he says, laughter in his voice. "But I wanted to hear your voice. And not just one of your videos on Instagram or a TikTok."

       "Well I will say that you have an incredible voice," she informs him. "If this is our only phone call ever, I'll still die a happy woman for having heard it."

      "It won't be our only phone call, sweet cheeks."

      "Whatever you say, hotshot," she teases, her whole body wriggling just a bit in joy at the flirting with him.

     "What are you wearing?" he asks, kind of teasing but also kind of curious.

      Her loud laugh makes him grin, "Oh no, you're one of those guys?"

       "What kind of guy?"

       "Don't even play that game with me," she retorts, her eyes rolling even though he can't see her. "I'll answer this one time. A giant T-shirt that I bought at goodwill in high school, a pair of yoga pants, and fuzzy socks."

      "Hot," he tells her, imagining all the layers on the blonde despite the fact that she lives in California.

"And you?"

"A pair of sweatpants."

She quirks an eyebrow, "That's it?"

"Yeah," he laughs. "I'm comfy and that's what's important."

      "Hot," she says, repeating what he had said to her. "Only a few days until we get to meet in person."

"And I get to play knowing you're there to watch me."

"You better score a goal for me."

"All of them are for you," he tells her. "Any game you're there, they're for you."

"That's too sweet," she replies, wrinkling her nose. "I could gag."

       At that moment, Blue climbs on top of her and knocks the breath out of her. There's laughter from her mouth the second she can manage it and he's confused on his end of the line until she explains what had happened.

       "I wanna see him," is his request.

       For just a moment, she falters, not sure if she wants to just shoot him a picture of the two of them in their new position or switch to a FaceTime. It doesn't take her long to decide, pulling her phone away from her face to click the button to request a video call. He quickly accepts and she grins widely when she can see his face on her screen. He does the same, his focus fully on her until he realizes that the dog is still laying fully on her torso.

      "He's gorgeous," he says simply, admiring the dog.

      "He really is," she agrees, tangling her fingers in his fur again. "He's a mini poodle and Bernese Mountain Dog mix. The best boy."

      "And you have a Pit Bull, right?"

       She grins, "Yes. She's sleeping on the floor in the living room. It's her favorite spot. Then Sage is around somewhere, just doing cat shit."

His laugh lights her up, "Sounds like a normal cat."

"Your face is beautiful," she admits, shocked that the words have come out of her mouth. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that."

"Don't apologize," he shoots back with a smirk. "You're gorgeous. And I love your birth mark."

      Her cheeks turn a bit pink, "Thank you. It took a long time for me to not want to hide it."

       "You hid it?"

      "Oh my god, yeah. I was so embarrassed by it. And kids at school would tease me relentlessly. I also have cystic acne that flares up once in awhile, which was something they'd also pick fun at. I got good at hiding myself. But now I don't want other girls to feel like they need to hide themselves, which is why I'm so open about my body and mental health and all of that. Even if I'm still insecure sometimes."

        She hadn't expected to get that deep and meaningful while just talking about her birthmark, so her cheeks are still pink, but he's grinning at her like she's just blown his mind. Her nails scratch at Blue's skin as she ducks her face a little, trying to hide her burning cheeks. His little scoff at her makes her lift her head again to look at him.

       "You don't have to hide from me," he tells her simply, running his hand through his hair, drawing her attention to his arm, which leads her to remember he's not wearing a shirt and her eyes widen as he continues talking but she's instead admiring the skin that she can see. "Like ever, Wyn. I'm so into you it's crazy. So your rambling doesn't bother me, in fact it intrigues me. The pink to your cheeks is adorable."

       "Oh," she mutters, rolling her bottom lip between her teeth as she continues to admire him. A smirk covers his face as he moves the phone a bit, showing her more of his chest. "I'm into you too."

        "I can tell," he teases, making her look up to his face. She crinkles her nose at him and the thought that it's the cutest thing he's ever seen crosses his mind. "You can keep admiring the view. I would be if the roles were reversed."

       She laughs, "You can do that on my Instagram whenever you want, hotshot."

       "Oh, I do sweet cheeks," he informs her, a smirk on his face. "All the time. But I meant when it's just for me, when it's personal."

       "And then you can take pictures," she says without thinking. Her eyebrows furrow. "I meant to allude to pictures last longer but honestly, the thought of you taking pictures of me just for you is kind of hot."

       "Kind of?" he asks with a laugh. "It's so incredibly hot, Wyn. I'd make a private folder just for the pictures of you."

        "Only if I get my own of you," she shoots back, letting her gaze drop down again. "God, you're damn near perfect."

"So are you," he muses, his eyes taking in her messy blonde hair and the birthmark on her face and her easy smile whole talking to him. "Honest to God."

"Thank you," she whispers.

They continue talking, her telling him the story about adopting the dogs and him telling her about his parents' dog Louie. They both end up eating dinner via FaceTime, her cooking herself food and him getting delivery to the hotel room he's staying in. Juice and Sage end up popping in to "meet" him. They trade stories about childhood pets and she tells him about meeting Graham in middle school, as well as Violet, and the easy friendship the three have shared since.

      They talk for what seems like hours, and probably is, and she ends up falling asleep on the phone with him, feeling comfort from him and the weight of her dog right on top of her yet again. He falls asleep shortly after, not hanging up on her so that he's the first thing she'll see when she wakes up (and it warms her heart that he's still there, so she stays so that he gets to see her as well).

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