23: She Hates the Party

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🚧 Content Warning 🚧
Incident of sexual harassment / assault perpetrated by side character
(Near end of chapter)

"When can we leave?" I whisper to Zach before taking another sip of champagne to dull my pain. Seriously, the splatter of bright abstract flowers on my dress has more life in it than this stupid party.

"I thought you liked parties?" Zach teases.

"I love parties. This shitshow is not a party."

"There's food and booze and way too many people," Zach points out. "It's a party."

"You could use that description for a wake. Which, by the way, would still be more fun than being around all the boring people in this room pretending like they're having a good time."

"The venue's good, right?"

I roll my eyes, lowering my voice to imitate some boring old lawyer to croon, "Oooh, look at me. I'm a fancy rich man in my fancy yacht club. Oooh, listen to me talk about boring paperwork or my new BMW because I have no personality."

Zach smirks. "So, that's what you think of me?"

"Nah." I crane my neck and peck a kiss on his jaw. "You don't drive a BMW."

Zach laughs. "I promise we don't have to stay too much longer." He bribes my agreement with a kiss. "I can think of a thousand things I would rather do on a Sunday than be at my boss's birthday party."

"Are we naked in any of them?" I waggle my eyebrows suggestively.

"Behave, Eden."

I pout, and he rewards me with a slap to my ass. Yeah. Like that will stop me.

Zach must sense what I'm thinking because he chuckles and hugs me closer. "We're nearly there, beautiful girl. I just need to keep everyone happy for a few more days. Partnership announcements are next week."

"Zach, when you become a partner... Will it make you... happy?"

Please, say yes.

"I've been working towards being a partner since I graduated... Hell... Before that. Since law school. It's everything I ever wanted." A slow smile creeps on his face. "Until I met you."

It doesn't escape me that Zach doesn't answer my question. I love my job. Love it like fire. Love the people. Sometimes the hours are killer, but every day feels worth it. Zach has never given any indication he loves his job. He's a hard worker—no doubt about that—but most of the time, he acts like he hates work. Getting dressed in his fancy suit each morning, all he does is sigh as he goes through the motions.

"What changes when you become a partner?" I ask him. "Will you get to work less hours?"

He fusses with his tie. "I'll have more control over hiring decisions." Frustration tweaks my nerves because he avoids my question again, but I stay silent. "I will finally be able to hire some more support staff for my team. I'll earn a lot more money, obviously, but I'll also finally get proper recognition in my field. I've worked toward this promotion most of my adult life. It's worth suffering through one more awful party."

I grin at him before resting my cheek against his shirt sleeve. "I'm really proud of you."

He kisses the top of my head. "That means a lot to me."

"Give me a real kiss, you big doofus."

Zach turns me in his arms, dips his head, and lets his perfect mouth find mine in a deep but surprisingly PG kiss. Ugh. Stupid work parties. Spoiling all my fun.

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