22: He Doesn't Back Down

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Nothing can ruin this day.


Last night, one text message from Eden sent my world crashing in a heap. Can you come over? We need to talk. No one wants a message like that. I thought Eden was done with me—for good this time.

Instead, I spent the whole night with her in my arms, whispering truths I had dreamed of saying for months.

I'd always planned to tell Eden I love her with some grand production. Like in the movies. I thought confessing how much she meant to me needed to be something big, but in that moment when we finally reconnected after so many months apart, all my plans flew out the window.

Her and me. Broken down to nothing except us. That was the moment the words slipped out. And it was perfect.

Now, I can say those magic words to Eden all the time. I whispered how much I loved her two more times that night. I laughed and said it as I kissed her goodbye this morning even as she tried wrestling me back into bed. I sent her a message on my coffee break.

And the best part? She always says it back.

A dopey smile's been on my face ever since.

Tracey thinks I've lost my marbles. She's staring at me over a pile of folders with her eyebrows raised to the roof. "You okay, boss man?"

"Yeah." I'm still grinning when I push up my glasses. "Never better."

Tracey isn't buying it. She's still hesitant when she slips a bill in front of me to sign. "You sure? I've read about this, ya know. It's a sign. You about to crack?"

"Nope. I've got my girl. I'm all good."

Tracey smirks. "So, I shouldn't expect any more deliveries then?"

My monumental stuff-up sending those roses seems like a lifetime ago. I can laugh about it now. "Unfortunately, I don't think there'll be any new developments for you guys to gossip over at your next morning tea."

"I dunno about that. Might not get to laugh at your dumb ass, but maybe there'll be some good news to share. Partnership decisions are next week."

I nod. I know. Other than Eden, it's all I can think about.

Tracey's hand squeezes my shoulder. I look up in surprise. We work well together, but emotion isn't usually her thing.

She smiles down at me. "This girl of yours... Eden. She's done you the world of good. You've come a long way since all that ugliness a couple of years ago."

We don't talk about that. No one does. "Thanks, Trace."

"Hang in there, boss man."

I nod. I will. One last push. With Eden on my team, I know I can do it.

Tracey leaves with the same kind of wobbly smile I imagine my mum giving me. She's worried. She has no reason to be. For the first time in years, I'm okay. There's finally a light at the end of the tunnel.

I plough back into the pile of work disguising my desk as a garbage tip. Time disappears when I'm in the zone. Tracey drops a sandwich on my desk at some point, and I respond to a cat meme Eden sends me with a whole lot of smiley face emojis because it's funny and I know she likes that.

There's a soft rap on the glass outside my office.

I glance up. Michaela waves. I roll my eyes. Does she see? Guess not. The door opens even though I wave for her to piss off, and she pokes her head inside.

I barely take my eyes off the screen. "If this is about the screw-up with the Capella deal, I've sorted it out." Barely. "Settlement will go ahead next week. I already sent you an email."

My door clicks shut.

What the...? I tear my eyes off the truckload of work still to do. Michaela slinks across the room. She's painted on a smile, but I'm not convinced she's happy. I square my shoulders. I need to be ready. If she's ignoring my warning and heading down the Human Resources path, I won't be giving her any extra ammunition.

"So." She braces her hands on my desk and leans forward. "You going to Mike's party tonight?"

"I told you, Michaela. We don't need to talk unless it's about work."

"I consider this discussion to be about work. Mike's our boss. Attendance isn't exactly optional. But..." Her smile's back, and it's as cold as ever. "I've heard whispers. There's bad blood between the two of you again. Last I heard, he was coming for your neck after some shit you said to him at a charity do."

"People should learn to mind their own business."

"Probably. You wouldn't believe the things I hear in the ladies' toilets. But who would have guessed you had it in you? Putting your promotion on the line. Now that takes serious balls."

I don't react. My pulse is tapping faster to hear that the key decision maker of my future is still pissed off that I stood up for my girl, but Michaela can't know. She's not a part of my life. I blink up at her. I don't give her a damn clue about the doubt crushing my chest.

"So..." Michaela leans further over my desk. "Are you going?"

I don't answer straight away. My fingers drum against the armrest of my chair. Do I play Michaela's game? Should I even go there?


"I'm going. I'm taking my girlfriend."

Michaela's eyes go wide. "Your—" She quickly shakes off the shock. Taking a partner to a Worley event is a big deal, and she knows it. "Zach... I don't want to play these silly games."

I can't help but laugh. "I think you very much like playing your games."

Her smile is tight. "I thought it might be good if we go together."

"Did you listen to a word I just said? I'm going to the party with my girlfriend."

"I heard you. Now... I want you to hear me."

"Not interested."

"Do you think Human Resources will be interested?"

I press my lips together to keep the anger from getting hold of me. I need to be in control. This cannot derail. "Are you going to keep hanging that threat over my head for however long you still work here?"

Her hand goes back to smooth her hair like nothing I've said bothers her, but I see her fingers tremble. "No threats, okay? You and me. We were always good together. Can you blame me for being frustrated that you didn't make time for me unless you wanted to screw around? But... partnership decisions are coming up... If what everyone's saying is true, you've achieved your goal... I'm on the right path to achieve mine. The two of us together again makes a lot of sense. But properly this time. All the labels."

"Michaela, how many times are we going to do this? I already told you. You and me? We're over. I'm with Eden."

Michaela straightens up. Her hand goes to her hip, and she tilts her head, defiant. "Eden."

"Yes. Eden. My girlfriend."

Her lips stretch out in a smile I can only describe as pure evil. "We'll see about that."

I rise to my feet. "Michaela, I swear to god, if you do anything—"

"Relax, hot stuff. You really think I'd do something to jeopardize your relationship?"

"Yes. I absolutely do."

Michaela only laughs. "I guess we'll both find out at the party." She pushes away from my desk. I want to pretend that my chest doesn't cave with relief when she starts heading for the door. It does. Her hand falls to the handle, and she turns to smile at me over her shoulder. "I can't wait to meet Eden."

I sink back to my seat, dragging a hand through my hair as a defeated sigh shudders through me.

This party's going to be a trainwreck.

And I only have myself to blame.

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