Chapter 2 Part 1

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Hi guys~ Just want to say sorry for how long it's taken me to upload this! I've been really stressed out lately and things are quite tough. I had this half of the chapter finished and was going to add more but I couldn't find the time. So, I'm only updating the part of the chapter I have written now and be on the lookout for the second half of this chapter (hopefully!) sometime soon!

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading this cuz when I read over it to check grammar and spelling and stuff, it sounds like trash so yeah.

Recap Chapter One

After what feels like an hour but was most likely only five minutes, we separate from our group hug and my eyes immediately find Gemma's and mums. The look in their eyes is something I haven't seen in anyone's eyes for so long. Pride. They're proud of me. Heck, I'm proud of myself. This is the biggest step I've made in my whole recovery. Physical contact is the biggest thing I have been struggling with. And I just overcome my fear of having other people touch my body, people that aren't my mother or sister.

I give a small nod at Simon, telling him to continue what he was saying about the reunion.

"Well Harry, the boys got here quite early, so they've already-"


Start Chapter Two

No, no, no. He's back, he's back, he's back. Just make him GO AWAY!

My head snaps to the direction the voice came from, scared beyond belief. Upon seeing who had called me, I didn't feel so scared anymore, knowing it wasn't who I thought it was, and a small grin appeared on my face; barely noticeable unless you looked closely.

My group, the people who I had spent the majority of the past 4 years with, had travelled from St. Ives to London.

Were they here to see me? Or were they here to tell me they didn't want to stay with me anymore?

Of course they're not here to see you, they just want your money and popularity. Once again, I flinch from the harsh words circulating my thoughts. I shake my head slightly, trying to get his taunting, maniac laugh out of my head, successfully.

I make my way to meet them in the middle, much more relaxed than I was before, knowing there's people who have been around me recently, and know me well enough to know my deepest regrets.

"What are you doing here?" I know I don't have to sign slowly to them, they've been speaking sign language with me for the past few years and have gotten quite good at understanding and signing a little bit themselves.

"We wanted to see you, of course!" Amelia, one of my best friends, said back, pulling me into a quick hug. Sometimes they sign as an answer, but that's only on a rare occasion. "We were also wondering if you would be up to us joining you on tour? We've already had a chat with Simon and he said possibly, only if you allow it and if it fits with everyone's schedules."

I contemplated if I should let them tag along on the tour or not. If I let them, it would mean they would be happy, but it would also mean that everyone would see me dance. The last thing the boys knew, I couldn't even walk down the stage without tripping and falling. I know they'd be shocked to hear that I've taken up dancing as a part time career. Would it be worth it?

Ha! You, dancing, as a career?! As if! Why in the world would they be here to travel with you, of all people! A small sense of pride fills my body as I succeed in not flinching.

A voice brings me back to the present time right after I made up my mind. "Harry? You don't have to decide now, just know that the offer still stands later on as well as now."

Looking at them properly, I can see how they've already brought all of their bags with them, which isn't much of a surprise to me. They know how easy it is to convince me, and most likely already had the idea that I would say yes.

What the hell is going through your mind? Of course they want to be here with you! They've said constantly before that they don't care about the popularity they might gain from being close to Harry Styles! As you can see, there's still one part of my brain that's sane.

"No, don't worry, you can join us!" I sign hesitantly, still worried about performing in front of others. A few years ago I would've said a down right, big fat "no" if there was the chance for people to see me dancing, it's a very private thing to me and it's how I release my emotions without talking. However now, after lots of therapy, I'm trying my best to portray those emotions publicly, not just in my head and through my actions.

Seeing the way their faces brighten after my approval washes all my doubts away. I'm doing this for them, for my family, for the fans, for the boys, but most importantly, I'm doing this for myself.

"Harry?" I hear Liam's voice behind me.

Right, there's other people here. I quickly turn around to be met with seven confused faces. Gemma and mum already know who my group is and therefore are already on their way to say hi to them and make small talk.

"Who're these people Harry?" Liam asks curiously.

Should I tell them?


"You shouldn't be telling them anything! What's going to happen if they find out your secret, huh? What do you think everyone's going to do then?"

"They'll-" I start to respond with a small, timid voice, immediately getting cut off.

"Don't talk, dumbass. How many times do I have to remind you?"

I lower my head to the ground, knowing there would be consequences anyway for my small action of speaking one word.

"God, I do so much for you, and all you do in response is disrespect me!"

A sharp clap rings through the air, my face stinging as I bite my lip to hold back a sound.

"I'm so done with you right now. I'm leaving, won't be back until tomorrow at noon. I want this house fully clean and lunch on the table by then. If I see so much as one speck of dust, or one thing wrong with the food, I swear-" He says with a dark voice, cutting himself off, grabbing his coat, phone and keys, and slams the door behind him.


Everything goes black.

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