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Ch 15: General Hoffield

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A bunch of damn trees.

That's all I saw as I stood at the edge of the forest, glaring out between the towering Douglas firs surrounding our Jeep. With Private Lucas behind the wheel, we had driven for more than ten hours from the base in Nevada to Oregon, in search of the exact location of the UFO trajectory report.

After what seemed like an eternity driving through a hellish storm of cold rain and strong winds, the Jeep's GPS notified my team that we were near the projected landing site of the UFO. But when we arrived, it was to come face to face with an endless expanse of rough forest terrain. Getting out of the Jeep, I marched up to the edge of the tree line, staring out into the dark expanse of the forest ahead of us.

"Are you sure this is the spot?" I shouted from behind my breather to Private Lucas. He was still awaiting my orders in the passenger seat of the black Jeep just a few years behind where I stood.

It was well past nightfall at this point, casting the forest in a dark shadow only slightly illuminated by the lights of the trucks and jeeps we had taken. While my men occupied the only Jeep, Sergeant Floyd's tactical team had joined us in our pursuit and followed our lead with large trucks and tanks, stockpiled with well-armed soldiers.

"The report shows that the UFO is just beyond the forest line, about four miles inward, sir," Private Lucas said as he rolled down the Jeep window.

Hmmm...I thought, casting a dark look out at the trees.

"Let's get a move on then," I ordered, turning to head back toward the Jeep. As I marched back, I noticed the door to one of the trucks waiting behind the Jeep swung open. Narrowing my eyes, I watched as Sergeant Floyd stepped out from the large black truck, coming over to stand before me.

"Sir," He saluted before continuing, "I believe we should try to wait until morning to pursue the UFO."

I frowned. Who does he think he is giving a ranking officer orders?

"No!" I barked, making Sergeant Flyod's eyes dart up to me in surprise. "I won't waste any more time, we are going now," I demanded, taking a menacing step forward. I had to show Floyd his place, which was well beneath me.

"Behind those trees lies a UFO and a potential alien life form, I will not jeopardize this opportunity!" I argued, pointing to the thick forest behind me.

Floyd swallowed, "But sir, it's too dark, even with our headlights we'll be going in practically blind-"

"Enough! I gave you a direct order, now it's your damn job to follow it!" I barked, taking another step forward to stand right in Floyd's face.

"Get your trucks ready, we're moving out!" I glared down into Floyd's eyes to await any further objections. Fortunately, he knew better than to argue with a ranking officer.

"Yes, sir!" Floyd saluted before pivoting back to his truck to await my next orders.

Questioning my judgment...I mumbled under my breath, digging the heel of my boot into the rain-soaked grass. I'll have to teach him a lesson on insubordination later...

But for now, I had bigger problems to be dealt with. With that final thought, I turned, walking back to the Jeep.

"Ready the trucks, we're moving out," I called to Floyd's men, and in response, the truck engines revved as they got ready to move once again.

Sliding into the passenger's seat of the Jeep, I heard Private Lucas speak from beside me. "Sir! If I may... I am afraid the forest is too thick to navigate with trucks."

"Then we will cut the trees down and make room," I growled and slammed my hand on the dashboard, making Private Lucas jump.

"Sir, that is impossible. It would take weeks to reach the spot that way..."

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