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Brittany's P.O.V.

"I need you to stop!" I heard Jo say after she moved two steps away from me.

When I suddenly stopped walking, our faces almost touched, I didn't show her that I was affected by it. Whiffing her natural scent, I almost closed my eyes to savor it. But I tried so hard to hold myself together.

Nobody has affected me this much, made me stop thinking just because I caught a whiff of their scent.

Then she spoke, her voice was so firm, it doesn't hold any emotion but just anger. I could hear it.

"Stop what?" I asked her wondering.

"I need you to stop bullying Reese." Oh, so it was because of her friend.

I want to tell her that it wasn't me but I stopped myself, I just stared at her intently, measuring her, giving her tension by replying with silence.

"I-I will do anything, just make it stop." Her eyes softened along with her features. She must love this girl so much for her to do this. 

But it intrigued me, she will do anything.

This must be the thing she wanted me to talk about yesterday, she wants me to call off the bullying of her friend.

She's so lucky! I thought. To have a friend who will do anything to protect her.

Jo was now looking down. I felt the need of reaching out to her, to comfort her and tell her that everything is gonna be okay, but again, I had to stop myself.

What is happening to me? I was not like this.

"So, you will do anything?" I asked her and it made her look at me.


"Hmmmm..." I hummed while I circled around her, I know she was feeling nervous, and thinking that I made her feel that, I silently smiled in victory.

"Just... Just tell me what you want!" 

"Feeling impatient are we?" I mocked her, I saw her clench her fist but I chose to ignore it.

I stopped in front of her and stared at her intently before I spoke.

"Be my girlfriend!"

Jo's eyes widened upon hearing what I just said, it even surprises me too. I didn't think, I just said it.

I find it amusing watching her choke on her own voice, she wanted to say something but has trouble doing so. I took her by surprise, I know. I don't understand myself either, is that really what I want her to do, or to be? My girlfriend?

"W-What???" She managed to utter.

"Be my girlfriend." I repeated.

"A-Are you c-crazy?" I laughed at how she was stuttering, she looks so adorable, trying to find the right words but couldn't.

"You said you will do anything, right?"

"Y-Yeah, but.. but I didn't expect this..." She was still confused.

"Why?" She asked.

Why, indeed. I thought.

"Is this a punishment or something, Anderson?" I could hear the bitterness in her voice.

"Is this really what you do? A total disregard for somebody else's feelings? Because I asked you to stop bullying my friend, you'd focus on me now? Is that how low of a person you are?" 

Disgust. Just plain disgust is what I felt when she delivers her speech. It was like tiny knives stabbing through me.

How could this girl makes me feel all these? I suddenly felt like shrinking from where I was standing. But I cannot show it to her.

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