2# Support from team (SR)

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This is another request and I love it!

Summary: Idea - Spencer needing more support, but not realising it because he's been masking and struggling his entire life. But when the team starts to provide support (helping with routine, making sure he's eaten and showered, helping with overstimulation, etc) for his autism he becomes aware of just how much he had been struggling and how badly it was hurting him.

I love it!

6 times the team helped Spencer


After knowing Spencer Reid for 24 hours Hotch knew he was Autistic, not because he showed it jsut because he knew, he noticed how the young man didn't like shaking hands though it could've been a germ thing (it was) but he didn't like touch at all, another thing how he always over explain things and his info dumping.

Many times the team had to get him back on track to the case they were on, a other thing how he stimmed without realising it and knowone saw him do it unless you noticed the traits.

Hotch calls Spencer into his office, the young man wlaks in obviously nervous as hell being called into your bosses office does that. Spencer sits infront of the man while Hotch sits at his desk, Hotch looks at Spencer before talking.

"Why haven't you asked for any accommodations?" He goes straight to the point, his words make Spencer freeze the young man looks at his boss in shock. "H-how do you know?" He asks nervously, Hotch smirks "I'm Autistic too, so I ask again why haven't you asked for accommodations when  yoy so clearly need then Spencer?" Asks Hotch keeping his tone neutral.

Spencer looks down at his hands before answering. "B-because I didn't want to get special treatment and have the other think I'm different" Says Spencer in a broken voice, Hotch looks at the crying Boy in his office before standing from his chair and kneeling beside Spencers he wraps an arms around the crying man, Spencer hugs him back.

"Don't worry, if anyone says anything I'll set Morgan on them" Says Hotch humorously making Spencer smile.


Derek was protective of everyone in his team especially thw youngest who is Spencer Reid, Derek and the team all know hes Autistic and how sometime she needs help to do certain things, and how his sensory issues affect him.

So secretly Derek carries around Headphones for the young man, After the first time it has come in handy to have them on him at all times.

The first time it happened, it was years ago when Spencer first joined the BAU, they were on their way in the jet to a case, Derek can't remember where but he remembers how tense and jumpy the young Dr was when a sound or sudden sound happened.

Derek could tell he wasn't having a good day, when the sounds got to loud the boy would hold his hands over his ears for a couple seconds before taking them off, this made Derek concerned.

The older agent took of his headphones and paused his music and put on classical his downloaded specifically for Spencer, Derek then leant across and tapped Spencers shoulder making the young man flinch at the touch.

He looked at Derek pain all over his young face. Derek gave him a small smile and handed over the headphones, Spencer took them gratefully and quickly putsbthem on sighs in relief when he hears beethoven.

Autistic Things with Spencer Reid and Penelope GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now