3# first meeting (PG+SR)

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So i finslly decided to write a oneshot for my second favourtie character Penelope ive been thinking about how to write it for ages and finally decied what iwant to do for it!

summary: When Penelope Garcia and Spencer Reid first meet and realise they are both Autistic (season one)


Spencer/Penelope - friends (Neurodivergent friends)

Third person pov...

Spencer works at his desk, they didn't have a case, the last two days have been nothing but paperwork for the team. Spencer was tapping his pen on the table as he took a visual break from writing.

Rocking back and forth on his chair in thought, the bullpen as usual was buzzing with activity Spencer had been dealing with it okay.

So far the sensory wasnt an issue, though he did take a few 'bathroom breaks' when it got to loud or crowded, as he unconsciously continues his rocking someone tapped his shoulder.

Not expecting the sudden touch Spencer jumped and flinched away from the hand banging his knee on the table hard.

Yelping jn pain he hugged his injured knee to his chest tightly. "Oops sorry Spence" came JJs voice. Spencer sighs and drops his knee wincing at the dull pain.

Forcing a smile on his face he turned to the blonde woman, his team didn't know to much about him yet especially his no touching rule. "Hey JJ need something?" He asks her.

JJ smiles at him remembering what she needed him for. "Yeah I was wondering if you could go to our technical analysis and ask if she has any information on a suspect of ours" she said Spencer sighed quietly.

Someone new to talk to. Masking his uneasiness about it he smiled at the woman. "Sure JJ" he said earning him another smile from her, she then walked off back to her office.

Spencer, puts the lid on his pen and stands from his chair, remembering the way to their new analysis' Office, avoided brushing past people he walked slowly not thay he was dragging his feet but slow enough, as he got closer he began to nervously unconsciously stim.

Tapping his fingers together in a pattern as he walked trying to not get anxious over talking to her. Once outside the door he raises his hand to knock but couldn't.

Annoyed with himself he tried again but his hand wouldn't move. "Come on don't be stupid now" he grumbles to himself, he's done it before with Hotches office and Gideon this is no different.

After 5 minutes of standing outside the closed door, he felt many pairs of eyes watching as he stood awkwardly he finally knocked on the door. Rocking on his feet he heard a voice call out "come in" Spencer opened the door.

As he did the inside surprised him, it was a small room with computer screens, on the desk were fidgets everywhere, sensory toys it was like a dream Spencer had never had another fidgets to help him or anything to help him when he had a meltdown.

His fingers tapped away again, as the person behind the computer screen turned around a smile on her face. Her clothing surprised Spencer even more though a smile made its way on his face.

She was proud to be herself. Penelopes eyes widened as she saw Spencer Reid in her office, a fellow Autistic in the work place. A smiling remaining on her face she twirled around to the man.

"Heya I'm Penelope Garcia welcome to my lair!" She grinned at the nervous man, Spencer gave a smile back to her he was grateful she didnt try to touch him, fingers still tapping away this time not for nerves because he liked it.

When he was a kid he never was allowed to stim, his Dad didn't like he was different so he suppressed it, but his mother didn't mind she told him it was fine and he was special.

Though sometimes she told him to stop because it annoyed her, most of his life he suppressed his Autistic traits for other people so they wouldn't be uncomfortable by him.

"Hi, I um I'm here for some Information on a suspect" he tells her stubbling over his words, Penelope then spins around back to her screens. "If course Doc, I'll be done in a jiffy" she says before typing furiously at her keyboard.

Spencer looked around the room again, he was beginning to feel relaxed in the small but sensory appealing room, he looks at the various fidgets around the room.

His eyes never leaving a particular one, It was a tangle. He was mesmerised by it, it wasn't to big and easily covered by hie hand or shirt if he hung it on his belt loop.

It was a calm blue colors decorated with sliver, Spencers hand was itching to hold it to fiddle with it, he use pens or his hands to stim usually, he knew he should buy a few fidgets.

He reached for the fidget, picking it up quickly and quietly so Penelope wouldn't see, once in his hands it felt right.

A smile pulled at his lips as he began playing with it, relaxing finally his body no longer tense as he finally stimmed.

Behind him Penelope watches the young man finally pick up the fidget he had been eyeing as soon as he walked in, Penelopes heart ached at the man forcing his traits down so people wouldn't know.

She knew how he felt, being a woman she was always told she was fine, or just anxious. It wasn't until her parents died that she realised she was autistic, when she was 20 she finally got a diagnosis and let herself be herself not a version everyone wanted her to be.

Smiling she spoke up. "You can have that one if you want" she speaks, this made Spencer freeze almost putting the tangle back, though his fingers didn't want to let it go.

Turning to the woman he looked at her, a hopeful look on his face. "Really, you wouldn't mind" he whsipers, Penelope smiles gently at the young genius.

"Of course Gman, I have lots to spare, if you need to unravel or feeling overwhelmed your always welcome here" she tells him, Spencer feels tears build up in his eyes.

Blinking rapidly he gives Penelope a watery smile. "Thank you" he says, Penelopes heart clenches. "No problem, us Autistics have to stick together" she grins waving as he leaves her office.

Spencer smiled as he held the tangle in his hand, his first fidget but definitely not last.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for the long wait. I started this last month but never finished it!

As usual sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.

Requests are open!

Word count: 1140

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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Autistic Things with Spencer Reid and Penelope GarciaWhere stories live. Discover now