Where Can I Find?

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Faith's POV

I got word from people that Klaus was in the small town of Mystic Falls.

As I drive across the border in my white Jeep. I speed through the town before arriving in the town centre. I park up and i reapply my lip gloss in the mirror, check my hair before i get out the car. As I look around this town looks like a fever dream.. i see a sign above one of the buildings saying The Mystic Grill, so i decide a bar is the best place to start.

As I walk into the grill, dressed in a strapless leather crop top, green mini skirt, white cropped cardigan and black heeled boots. My long red hair flowing behind me. As i walk over to the through the restaurant and towards the bar, I listen closely to surrounding conversations because if Klaus was in town someone had to be talking about him. The bartender comes over and I order a bourbon. As i look around the room.. i see a dark haired, muscular man playing darts as he turns to talk to a young brunette girl who looks exactly like Katherine Pierce. I listen to their conversation as the man says "we failed Elena. It's over." She sighs and says "i don't understand Stefan wanted Klaus dead more than anything.. that's what we were counting on." I gasp and down my drink on the bar.


As i follow the guy back to his house.. it's a huge mansion on the edge of town. I say to myself "of course this guy knows about Klaus." I pull up in the driveway, I don't really have a plan but I've got to find out what they know .. right?

As i walk up to the door.. I knock loudly twice. As the same dark haired man opens the door, I walk in as he says "excuse you?" I see the same girl that was with him at the grill stand up from the sofa. I say "i need some information and don't lie to me." The man behind says "yea.. no." As i turn to face him I say "you're a Salvatore right?" He nods as I say "I 've heard of you .. you guys were obsessed with Katherine Pierce." He says "you knew Katherine?" I nod and say "I know more than you could imagine.. I also know this isn't her" As I look at the girl, she says "I 'm Elena." I say "right. And which Salvatore brother are you?" He smirks and says "the handsome one.." I say "oh- you must be Stefan?" He's stunned as he says "no- no what?!" I laugh slightly and say "kidding. With arrogance like that you'd have to be Damon.. your reputation proceeds you." He says "and who the hell are you?" I step closer to him and say "lets start with why I'm here.." I pause before continuing "..where can I find Klaus Mikaelson?" He hesitates and says "you know Klaus?" I say "kind of.. where can I find him?" Elena says "you probably don't want to do that.. Klaus is ruthless." I turn to her and say "trust me .. I can handle him." As I step forward, Elena looks nervous and I feel Damon vamp up to me, as I grab him by the throat quickly, I slam him down on to the table. I say "trust me Damon. I've been around a lot longer then you.. meaning I am a lot stronger than you." As i let him go and walk away a few steps I say again "now where can I find Klaus?" He rubs his throat and says "honestly I have no idea" I step forwards angrily but he says quickly "he's kind of in an all out war with my brother right now." I say "Stefan?" As he nods, I say "and where can I find Stefan?" He says "he's probably in the house that's a site for 100 dead witches." I smirk and say "where is this house?" He says "in a clearing in the woods." I smirk as he continues "but my brothers humanity is kind of flickering right now.. Klaus got him to turn it off and he's angry." I say "so I am Damon." As I walk away he says "are you going to tell us who are you?" I turn around quickly to say "sure. When you earn it." He vamps in front of me, I sigh and say "you just don't give up do you Damon?" He says "what do you want with Klaus?" I say "why do you care?" He says "well if you want him alive .. you're out of luck because my brothers trying to kill him.. we all are." I smirk and say "you don't know?" He says "what?" I say "nevermind. You'll find out soon enough." He says "look if you don't want Klaus to know your here.. I won't tell .. we're not exactly his biggest fans." I sigh and say "Faith. I 'm Faith Du Martel." He says "and you know Klaus?" I'm silent before saying "okay. Enough. We're not playing 20 questions." As I shove past him, I smirk and leave.


I walk up through the fields to an old abandoned house. As I head inside I look around the house it's dusty and dark, as the floorboard creaks downstairs I hear a voice say "go away Damon.. I 'm not giving Klaus his coffins back." I come down stairs as I see Stefan stand up he says "you're not my brother." I say "nothing gets by you." He says "who are you? You need to leave." As I walk towards him, I say "well I talked to your brother and I have a feeling we could help each other."  He says "and how's that.. I don't even know who you are?" I put my hand on his chest and say "well let me introduce myself, I 'm Faith Du Martel, long lost love of Klaus Mikaelson." He says "you're in love with Klaus?" I say "I was.. for a very long time until my siblings and I were compelled by the originals and Klaus broke my heart.. now I want my revenge." Stefan says "so you want him dead?" I pause before saying "no..   I don't.. but I know him well enough to get payback in other ways." Stefan steps away he says "no.. sorry I work alone." He scoffs as I say "you know its a shame .. we'd make a good team.. but I guess you'll kill Klaus and then you'll see you need me." He turns slowly and says "what does that mean?" I say "mmhm- that depends.. are we going to work together or not?" There's a silence as I say "let me make it easier for you.. you can't kill Klaus .. because if you do, you, your brother and anyone in his sireline will die too." He steps towards me and says "what do you mean?" I say "The Originals are the first vampires to live so when they die their entire bloodline dies with them." He sighs as he kicks one of the coffins, I say "don't worry though.. I have a plan to get back at him, so can I count on you?" He turns to face me and says "well I want revenge so I guess I don't have a choice.. what's your plan?" I say "stick with me Salvatore." I smirk and he looks at me as I begin to tell him my plan. 

Next part coming soon

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