Do Not Go Gentle

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Faiths' POV
I wake up as it stare out the edge of bed. Realisation fills me, I just slept with Klaus. This was definitely not part of the plan but he wasn't supposed to be so sweet. I sit up as I look at him, I grab my t shirt as i hear movement I bite my lip, he says "running away my love?" I roll my eyes and say "this never happened." He grabs my shoulder and says "oh but it did. And you're exquisite." I look over at him, as he smirks I say "it was a one time thing because I wanted to but this changes nothing." I slip my shirt back over my head as he says "i just can't believe you didn't tell me the real reason you're hanging out with the Salvatores?" I push my tongue in my cheek and say "i did.. they dislike you just as much as I did.. do." He says "funny, because I have a source that told me about a Lola Salvatore.. and apparently you know her." I stand up quickly and say "where did you hear that name?" He says "i might have done some digging.. turns out you're not only bonding with the Salvatores' to take down my family but to get information on theirs." I say "was this your plan all along.. get me distracted and find out my motives.. and don't lie to me. Not about this." He says "i would like to know your plans.. but that doesn't mean this wasn't real love." I sigh, hesitant to believe him. He says "so who is Lola Salvatore?" I say "what you didn't have your P.I. Fill you in?" He smirks, as I pull on my trousers. He waits for the story.. I say "fine.. I 'll tell you... she's Stefan and Damon's sister, in 1850 she was killed by Katherine Pierce who wanted Lola out of the way so she could have Stefan and Damon to herself. She had crawled out to the Lake and was literally on deaths door. That's when.. i found her, i healed her but she didn't want to go home so i helped her make it look like she died and I turned her." Klaus gets up, pouring a bourbon from the bar cart he says "so Stefan and Damon.. think she's dead?" I nod and say "it's not something i want to throw in their faces but I've actually kept an eye on them since i met Lola, i updated her on how they were doing and where they were.. recently she's been wanting to .. well re-meet her brothers i guess .. so i came to town wanting to meet them first.. and to see if they could handle it." Klaus says "and?" I say "Stefan and Damon have honestly been nothing but nice to me.. i think it would be an honour to reunite the Salvatores but.. i don't know if they'd even believe it." Klaus says "you should bring her to town." I say 'did you not here the part about taking it slow." He nods and says "yea.. well, its not like they have to know she's there sister straight away.. they could meet her as a friend beforehand." I say "i don't know that's lying straight to their faces.. and I 'm not sure Lola is even ready to meet them." Klaus says "well i want to meet her." I say "Nik. Once i bring her to town.. once they meet her .. it becomes real." He rubs my arm in comfort, he says "so... Lola?.. is that who you've spent eternity with?" I say "pretty much.. i mean we went our separate ways a couple times in the 60s but she's my best friend." Klaus says "and the Salvatores have no idea?" I shake my head and say "no.. i mean they never talk about her.. i don't even know if they knew it was Katherine who tried to kill her?" Klaus nods.. and i hesitate i step back from him and say "hang on, why are you being so nice about this.. what are you planning?" He stutters but eventually says "a secret sister could come in handy .. weaken their defences .. that's all." I roll my eyes and say "stop with the plotting already.. their not going to try and kill you, they know they can't because they'd die too." He says "so what revenge is pointless and we should just be?" I nod and he says "so me and you we're good .. you're going to stop with the revenge plan you keep threatening and be on my side?" I say "i don't take sides." As i smirk he says 'but we could have so much fun in this town.." I shake my head and say "full of bloodshed and carnage?" He says "is that a yes?" I hesitate and say "damn it. You know i want to be mad at you, you're family... but whatever happens .. here i find myself stood in front of you and I 've realised no one else knows me like you do.. I have shown you my truest colours." He says "well love, if it's any conciliation you have always known me better than any of my siblings." 


Stefans POV
As i come downstairs Elena, Caroline and Bonnie are in the foyer, i say "hey.. what are you all doing here?" Elena says "Damon called." I turn around as Damon says "i did. Because we have a problem." I say "please tell me this isn't about faith." He says "it is. She's played us.. she's chosen Klaus." I say "we don't know that." Damon says "is she here? Did she come back last night? I wonder where she could be." Elena looks worried, Damon pours a bourbon, i say "so what you want to kill her?" He says "i know you've gotten quite attached to her wild ways brother but she can no longer be trusted." I say "I'm not just going to turn my back on her." Elena says "Stefan.. she's klaus' ex." Damon says "exactly.. think about how much she's already told him not to mention she handed over our only weapon." Bonnie says "what?" Elena says "she gave klaus the stakes?" Damon nods. I say "hold on.. she told me she was going to do that.. that was part of our plan." Damon rolls his eyes.. as Caroline says "so Faith is really with Klaus?" Stefan says "no. She's known him for a long time, she can handle him." Damon says "oh yea how bad could it possibly be." He downs his drink.

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