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One day in Zou in the south blue a baby cow, but it wasn't a normal baby cow..mink it was half human and half mink. Raised in Zou till the age of 2 when her sister was born looking more human than her. Daisy, Daisy was the name of the eldest being only 2 years old, with ears of black and white spots, her nose resembling that of a cow's snout, and her tail swatting away flies that come near it. While her younger sister, Richie, now wasn't like her sister daisy with ears of black and white spots and a nose resembling a cow's snout, no. All she has was a tail to show her roots of being half cow mink and of course, her mother whom she cling to since the moment she was born never leaving her side, and daisy is a daddies girl who clings to her father, but one faithful day it was all washed away by a mink who was slaughtered, being the only human on Zou island they accused Kadeem, Daisy and Richie father, without any proof he wasn't the one that didn't slaughter the mink he was forced out of the island and along with him Daisy and Richie. Looking too much like their father and human-like they were forced out as well, no matter how much Clara cried and fought to keep her husband and children on the island, to no avail she was unsuccessful to change the minds of her fellow minks and leaders.

The minks weren't so heartless and lent them a boat, a boat to find their new home. After about a week of drifting through the endless waters of the ocean, they made it. They made it to their new home called Sabaody Archipelago, with the limited money Kadeem had saved it was enough to buy a small home far from the main market and tourist traps of the Archipelago. Of course, they'd need to go to the market for baby formula and other children's needs. Being a single father of 2 children wasn't easy but he made it work for them, they were his pride and joy. He loved them to death and if they were to disappear he'd simply just, kill himself he hates being alone, he hates the feeling of no one being there hence how he became a family man who values family matters. He wanted to feel useful to someone, it is to a small infant child to the elders he took care of before their passing. Of course, again wasn't easy, Richie was a wild spontaneous child just like their mother, and daisy was well-behaved but very easily persuaded and gullible, but she seems she can take charge if she wanted to. Richie liked to run around the house in only a diaper and daisy would read still in her morning pj's, Daisy is very interested in the outside world, the world outside her island. The mean pirates and the righteous marines, this is where her love of marines came from, and when asking her father about marines and if he knew anything about them and if we had any relations to them like family in the marine, he told a story about how his father, daisy's grandfather was a marine but was only a lieutenant before dying to awful pirates who attacked and raided his ship. This made daisy interested in joining the marines even more, hoping to become just as big maybe bigger as her late grandfather.

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