Wally x reader (Short scenariosfluff)

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I'm supposed to be asleep cause I have to wake up within 3 hours but oh well 😢


You were making a strawberry cake in Wally's kitchen, Wally trusted you not to burn his kitchen, well you ALMOST did.. it wasn't your fault it really was Wally's fault..

In the kitchen, you could see you in an apron, mixing the batter for the cake. You were in a mess for sure, powdered sugar and flour all over the apron, and some on your cheeks and forehead. Wally was gone to paint with some of the neighbors, and left you home. You finally finished the batter and put it in the oven to cook. You sighed as you look to the extra frosting you had made.

You decide to eat that batch while watching the batter cook. Wally Darling walks in his home to get something, he had forgot some paint brushes for his friends. "Hi honey." "Hey Wally." You say while keeping an eye on the batter.

"How's the cake going? It smells good in here." He walks into the kitchen. "Oh goodness your mess.. here." He grabs a cloth and wipes the flour off your face. (Guys I wish that was me) "thank you.." you smile. "Of course. Now I got to go back to frank and Eddie." He kissed you goodbye but stopped walking.

"Anything wrong?" You asked concerned. "You taste just like strawberry cake.." He kissed you again until he was literally just making out with you, lifting your chin up a little by his fingers. (PLEASE I KNOW HES 3 FEET BUT JUST IMAGINE HES TALLER THAN YOU OKAY.😢) "Wally you should get going, Frank and Eddie are waiting for you." You covered his mouth.

"But, you taste just like strawberry frosting." He whined. "Yeah because I just ate some!!" You giggled. "Well.. okay, but we're continuing this later okay?" He cupped your cheeks. "Alright alrightt, but go and have fun with the others okay?" "Okay.. but I already was having fun..." He mumbled the last part.

End of scenario!! (Let me know if you want me to continue it later 😘😘)

Beginning of different scenario!!

You just had gotten back from your long shift at the coffee shop, you enter Wally's home and find him. "Oh darling! Your back!! How was—"
You fell to the ground groaning. "I'm guessing not that good.. come here sweetheart." He sighed. He cleaned you up, gave you some of his pajamas, and plopped you down on his neat bed.

"Now, tell me what happened?" You two were sitting and you were sitting on his lap laying your head on his left collarbone.  "Some Karen wanted this specific order and I made her it but she said she didn't want it but she took it anyway but didn't payyy.. and my manager wouldn't do anything and said it was my fault.." you groaned into the crook of his neck.

"Oh dear.. that doesn't sound good.. how about you rest a little in my bed? That will help." He layed you down. You weren't having it, you pulled him down and rested on his chest, he was of course, surprised. He then chuckled, and wrapped his arms around you. "Have a good nap deary." He yawned.

End of scenario!!

Okay, I don't know if you guys will like this chapter since it's kind of.. you know what I mean. I swear im not checking my Wattpad until like next month/j anyway, I hope you enjoy my content so far and expect a lot of chapters tomorrow!! Also I need to sleep like literally right now because I only have less than 2 hours to sleep for school. Rip me 💀💀😢😖☹️

619 words

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