Chapter 5

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Rest well, Annie.


Antanasia POV

Who am I... What am I doing...

"Annie! Are you feeling un-well? I can cut your shift short if you want." my manager said making my eyes widen.

"No! It's fine. I'm alright. I'll get my shift done, plus my shift is ending soon anyway." I said before walking away.

It's been a few months since the debut and I've been working and dancing my life off. And today, Lord Ijekiel and Lady Jennette decided to eat here.


And it seems that they're going to leave... SO SOON?!

"Yes, let's go." Jennette said before standing up with the help of Ijekiel.

"Leaving so soon?" I said gaining their attention.

"Annie." Ijekiel and Jennette said at the same time.

"Unfortunately yes. But don't worry, I'll buy you a gift and give it to you next time we meet." Jennette added making me smile.

"But that gift is already enough."

They gave me a necklace... A necklace with a red ribbon pendant. That red ribbon pendant is made out of ruby!

"Annie, let Jennette be." Ijekiel said making me pout.

"Fine. I'll be looking forward to it then." I said before waving them a goodbye.

"Bye~" Jennette said before leaving with Ijekiel. I stood still for a moment before going to the table near the plant.

"Hi, You can call me Annie and I'll be serving you today." I said smiling at them before freezing after I took a good look who I'm serving at.

"Ah, your high-"


Athanasia POV

"It's whitey's boy. How annoying. Should I get rid of him?" Lucas said raising his finger while I'm trying to hide using my hair and the menu book.

"Seems like they're leaving soon. Let's just keep quiet." I whispered.

"Did you forget? We haven't bought the most important thing yet." Ijekiel said.

They talked a few more before Ijekiel decided to help Jennette up but as soon as she stood up, someone decided to talk to them.

"Leaving so soon?" Annie said gaining their attention.

"What is Annie doing here?" I whispered towards Lucas who also looked shocked.

"I don't know! Her Mother didn't tell me she's already working." Lucas replied.

"Hi, You can call me Annie and I'll be serving you today." Annie said smiling at us before freezing after she took a good look who she's serving at.

It seems were a bit to preoccupied at the moment we didn't realize Annie is already approaching us.

"Ah, your high-"

"Don't!" I said holding my hand out.

"What are you doing here your highness? It seems like you're on a date..." Annie said before glancing at Lucas.

"It's not like that. I just got bored while doing my homework so Lucas decided to take me outside." I explained before eyeing Lucas who's busy staring at Annie.

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