Chapter 7

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The royal wedding was 5 days away. Aisha's family would be arriving in Pantoran in 2 days. She couldn't hold in her excitement. Even the King and Queen had noticed.

"You are buzzing with excitement this morning, Aisha." Said the Queen.

"Yes, Queen Izella. I'm very excited about my family's arrival here." Aisha beamed as she ate her breakfast.

"We're glad your family will be able to witness your nuptials and spend some time you," said the King.

"Indeed. I have been missing my siblings dearly."

Especially Nef, her younger sister.

"I'm positive they will have much to catch you up on, and likewise with you."

"Aisha, would you like to go into town today to pick out some new dresses and fabrics?" Asked the Queen.

"I would love to your majesty. I am running out of warm dresses to wear."

"Great, after breakfast I shall have the guards escort us into the city."

Before heading out into town with the Queen, Aisha went to her room to gather a warm cloak. On her way out of her room she ran into Atticus.


"Are you okay?" Atticus asked concerned. He held her in his arms and looked her over.

"Yes, I'm fine." She said with a smile as she straightened herself out.

"Where are you going?"

"Your mother has invited me out to purchase dresses and fabrics," she said smiling.

"That's wonderful. I hope you and my mother get along. Don't let her talk your ear off though, she likes to give advice, that is not always wanted." He advises.

"I'll be sure to stay on her good side and listen to anything she has to say. Do you not know that is the way to gain a woman's favor?"

"I would listen to anything you had to say, Aisha," he says with a smirk.

She smiles coyly at him.

"I will be looking for you when you get back," he says kissing her hand before they depart from each other.

Aisha walks to the front of the castle where the Queen is waiting with a guard and her lady maid. She lights up as Aisha approaches.

"I am very happy. I have not had a companion for shopping in such a longtime."

"I am happy I can attend with you, my Queen. May we find many fine things that suit our fancy."

"We are going to go into the finest shops Pantoran has to offer. Oh! Maybe we can look for your wedding dress too."

The dress that had been made was not to Aisha's liking. It was a dress modeled after fashions that were no longer fashionable even to the King's male eyes. She was grateful that no one found it offensive that she did not want to wear that ugly thing.

They both were escorted out of the castle and into a carriage that took them into town.

"Has my son been treating you well?" Izella inquired curiously.

"Yes, your majesty. He is a fine gentleman. He seems to always be thinking of me," she says.

"And how do you feel about him?"


"How do you feel about him? I know you came here out of duty to your country- and what an honorable thing to do, but how do you feel about him? Do you think you could actually grow to love Atticus," she asks earnestly as she gazes into Aisha's eyes.

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