Chapter 9

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Upon arriving to the castle Atticus hurried to get the things in order while Aisha went looking for her family.

She found them in the great hall with the King, the Queen, Aurelius and Axel.

"Ah finally she joins us," Mosi says loudly.

"Forgive my absence Family," she said politely hoping they would not want an offered excuse.

"And where were you," asked Olori. Of course she'd ask.

"Umm. I was," She paused reprimanding herself for not thinking up an excuse before coming to them, "I was-"

Suddenly Nef ran in trailing behind the puppy.

"I was helping Nef with her puppy!"

Nef scooped the dog up and looked at Aisha bewildered.

"Isn't that right Nef?"

"Uh, yeah!" She said staring are her siblings wide-eyed.

"And where did you get that," Queen Izella asked quizzically.

"Oh, Prince Atticus gave him to me. He's my gift," she said smiling innocently.

All of her sisters gasped. Aisha shot her look. Nef suddenly remembered and said, "oops."

"Why is Nef so special?" Nia asks.

"I'm the princess," she says with a shot of her tongue.

"Now Nef, that is not becoming of a princess," Hasani said. The youngest princess rolled her eyes and sat down with her puppy in hand. Aisha joined her and sat next to her at the massive oak table.

"Hmph," Olori huffed. "Where is your husband to be? Does he not want to greet your family?"

Aisha was just about to speak out when Atticus arrived.

"There you all are." He strode in confidently with a few servants in tow holding the things that they had gotten under pieces of fabric.

He bowed in front of her family. "Your majesties. I apologize for my delay in welcoming you. I was finalizing a few surprises for you. I hope my apology is accepted and my gifts are met with joy."

"Thank you, Prince Atticus. We accept your apology and are pleased to meet you," Mosi says standing up to bow to him as well. The other members of her family stand and follow suit.

Atticus spots Nef with her puppy.

"I see Princess Nef has already exposed my reason for being late. I have a few gifts for each of you princesses, as a thank you and to show my gratitude. I'm honored to marry your sister and to have you here in our home."

The women begin whispering amongst each other with smiles and giggles in their voices.

"Thank you Prince Atticus, you may proceed with your gift giving," Olori says sitting up even straighter than she had before.

He bowed and turned to his servants. The first gift he grabbed was the scepter.

"Princess Olori this scepter is for you, it is truly a gift meant for a Queen. May you reign alongside Prince Mosi triumphantly for your people, as the future King and Queen of Mardalia."

He handed Olori the scepter and her smile widened at its appearance. She rubbed her hands on the jeweled orb and down its long shaft.

"This is beautiful Prince Atticus. Thank you," she said pleasantly. Aisha watched as her eye gleamed with appreciation and her sisters all looked in in quite anticipation.

He smiled making eye contact with Aisha who was relieved things were going well. As he walked back all 6 women leaned in to admire the scepter.

"He probably gave you the best gift cause he's scared of you," Nia says upset and with a pout.

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