Chapter 1

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Another month has pass and back at U.A Everyone is celebrating at the cafeteria by everyone I mean every student and teacher(Except for those who I mention that didn't believe Izuku is a traitor) that they have capture the traitor some are are having a eating contest some were dancing other's were kept bad mouthing him as for the girls there saying that they were lucky that they didn't confess there feelings to him but they dodge the bullet they say as they kept bad mouthing him, as for the teacher's they all regret teaching him on being a hero Aizawa was disappointed that he was training a villain as for All might he told him on how he had a quirk because he only felt pity of his son wanting to be a hero as for Inko she told them that she would have just put him into the orphanage she said as they agree to her as they kept on partying except for  4 people didn't join one student is at her Support class making something ignoring the calls from her other class to join 1 is at the infirmary feeling disgusted on how they just celebrate a boy being sent to te most dangerous prison here in Japan the next person is at the cafeteria who is just cooking ther food for celebration he enjoys cooking but for the first time in his life he didn't enjoy cooking to celebrate to someone who was sent to prison without solid evidence that he did it and the last person is in his office who kept on looking to his laptop looking for solid prove that Izuku didn''t do it but whenever he got something its always a dead end its like someone is trying to hide the evidence but that is nothing to him

Nezu:It seems someone is trying to hide the evidence well then time to level up then

He said as he types faster than any normal person can do and while typing he is laughing like a maniac.

On the next day everyone woke up bright and early feeling good as for the party yesterday was a blast everyone enjoy themselves and all of them were having the time in there lives.

That is if they weren't interrupted by the T.V Screen suddenly become blur where everyone is watching that same goes to the entire Japan and after the blur becomes clear they saw what they saw shock them is the League of Villains with Shigaraki seating in a throne while the rest of the League are standing beside him

Shigaraki:Greetings to you all heroes as glad all of you are in your best behavior these pass few months


Shigaraki:Yes it is us What? you think just because we didn't make any move doesn't mean we were not planning something.

Compress:We were just letting all your guard down

Toga:Now the question is did we do something while you all are enjoying your vacay?

Twice:Of course we did not!! We definitely did

Back at Ua

Bakugou:So what we also have bad news for you we already arrested the traitor

Shigaraki:Haha ohh you heroes are so predictable jumping into the conclusion without having any evidence after all there is really no traitor any among you all

Everyone In UA,Heroes, Half of Japan(Except for the 4 who believe him):WHAT???!!!!

Dabi:You may betrayed such innocent person yet none of you all except Nezu who is looking for a solid prove that he was not a traitor

Shigaraki:Also did you forget that we have someone that can transform into anyone

He gestured Toga who has a vile of blood and drink it and transforms into Izuku

Izuku(Toga):Hi I'm Deku and I will be there always to protect anyone who is need of help

She mimicks izuku then laughs at the end before transforming back

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