Chapter 8

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At Nezu's office where The rising 3 heros The No. 1 Hero of the U.S and her sister along with Izuku are now listening to what he has to say

Nezu: Now the reason why bought you 4 here is because your the only people that I know can handle this type of situation I can call the other heroes in training but they still have inexperience on something like this

Mirio: I hate to interrupt and no offence Nezu but why do we need Midorya here since he still a 2nd year

Nezu: Trust me on this Togata-san Midoriya here is one of the smartest student before he was sent to Tartus and his IQ matches to mine

Nejire: Wait?! Really ?! his that smart

Nezu: Yes he is now where was i? Oh right what we're about to tell you is something that only a few people know, Cammy if you please.

Cammy then places something in the table and a holographic pic was shown by a person wears a red military uniform with large silver shoulder plates, wrist bands, and shin guards on his peaked/service cap is the skull insignia of his crime syndicate known as Shadaloo.

Cammy: This right here is Master Bison one of the most dangerous person in the world

Izuku: Who happens runs the criminal underworld in multiple countries mainly in Germany where it happens to be the place where World war II started

Cammy: You know your history impressive, anyway the U.S has been hunting him for the past couple of years and whenever we got a chance he always slips away in our grasp my Capt. fought him once almost won but someone interfere with the fight making Bison get away and these are his subordinates 

She then swipe the Hologram and showed different people 

Cammy: First of we have F.A.N.G also known as the Great F.A.N.G in Japanese or Fang Fei. He is the second-in-command and one of most wanted person in Asia, next is Vega He is a claw-wielding, narcissistic obsessed with beauty who also serves as a personal bodyguard to Bison most wanted person in Europe for killing multiple Nation leaders as long as Bison pays him he doesn't care what he do, and finally Balrog He is a greedy who loves booze, gambling and women. He is another a personal bodyguard to Bison he is a ruthless person and anyone who challenges him ends up beaten to death and reach of them has their own sets of quirk Fang poison smoke any one gets near around 10 ft he will release an unknown toxic that will kill within a minute for Vega his is stealth makes him go invisible and quiet that no one knows that his already behind you and before we know it he already kills the whole squad For Balrog quirk is Berserk by the name itself you can guess what it is

Izuku: Will go on a rampage increasing his strength and speed that same goes to his senses

Cammy: Correct and Finally for Bison his quirk is Psycho Power: Bison's signature power, and the dark variation of Soul Power. By driving all the positivity from his soul, Bison weaponized it, letting him manipulate it as a form of energy. With Psycho Power part of his own soul, Bison gained immortality and can live on as a Phantom to possess people after he "dies". Psycho Power is fueled by Negativity fear, anger, hatred, etc. the more negativity that is occuring, the more powerful Psycho Power will become.

Izuku: Well no wonder he is hard person to fight he feeds on Negative energy which about 95% of the people in this planet has

Nejire: That's a lot and fighting like him would be near impossible since he posses people whenever he dies then how are we gonna stop him for good

Cammy: We have someone who possess that ability to end him but we need all the help we can get I got an intel that Biison gathered a few allies here i Japan

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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