chapter 56 • london, innit

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Thank you for 60k! I never expected this story to receive the attention it has so thank y'all so much 😭🫶 Also sorry for taking a million years to update, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Guess who just arrived to the beautiful country of London? Me bitch! I'm ready to drink tea, eat crumpets and see one direction live in concert! Ya insecure don't know what for 🕺

Anyways, I'm in the taxi or shall I say cab eating a cookie or shall I say biscuit on the way to Louis Patridge's apartment or shall I say flat. Anyways he's my new boyfriend (more like money supplier), but anyways.

"You excited?" he asks as I'm staring out the rainy window. Damn it rains hard and good here.

"For?" I question, giving him a quizzical look because what the fuck. Ive just left my whole life in America behind, I'm scared and vulnerable, so like how can I be excited? 🤨

"To live in the UK, silly" Louis chuckles, pinching a packet of Earl Grey tea from the back of the cab, grabbing a teapot and cup out of nowhere and pouring himself some tea.

I watch him as he sticks his pinky up and begins to sip. Sorry, but why is there a whole tea station in this thing? Also, why do buses here have another bus on top?

Louis licks his lips with satisfation after his big gulp of tea, "Ah, scrumpdiddly that is! nothing like the proper taste of tea on these British shores".

"Um... anyways..." I mumble, bored of him already. Let me just go back to looking out the window and observing this unfamiliar, foreign land.

"So Yolly, what's gonna happen with your house now that you're gone?".


"Your house. Nobody lives there anymore right?".

"Fuck," I respond.

Look, I didn't consider whats gonna happen with my house. Like will my dad's insurance money keep payin for it even when nobody's livin there? 🤨

Louis just laughs slightly, "Yeah, you should probably contact your dad".

"How will I do that when im in a whole seperate country? Anyways enough of my house. Boring" I tell him, yawning slightly.

"Alrighty-o, the cab is nearly at my place so just sit tight there aye?" Louis says, patting my knee. I flinch, because why is he touching me. Weird-o. Might call the cops, or the British guards.

I just nod, because really, if im being frank with you lot, Louis is a pretty boring person. Not to bring them up since I'm a new girl, but at least the triplets could actually make me laugh... 😢💔

Anyways, no. I can't be sad. Once I get enough money out of British loser, I can save up and get my own house and find a new boyfriend. One with no criminal record or attractive sibling that I'm also into.

Until then, I just gotta smile, be Louis's bitch and eat tea and biscuits. How difficult can that be? 😄


Eventually, we arrived to his place. And to be honest, it's pretty bland looking from the exterior. With that Netflix coin? You'd expect a mansion.

"Thank you good sir!" Louis smiles to the cab driver, handing him some pounds, dablooms, pennies...Whatever the fuck they use.

"Have fun kids, but not too much fun hahaha if u get me" the driver winks before speeding away. 🚕💨

I look weirdly over at Louis as he drags my suitcase across the path, "Fun?".

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