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Lucy POV:

Holy shit 

'Where am I?' The only thought passed through me as I take a glance around. 'A hospital?' I realize. A blinding white cast is wrapped around my right arm and a shooting pain through my lungs follow up on my curiosity. 'Why am I here?'

Shuffling and turning around in the small bed I'm confined to; another thing catches my eye.

My left wrist

My hospital band- Wright, Rebecca L. 'Why is it written with a W?' I question to myself. 'What does L stand for?' 'Jesus Christ my head is killing me.'

 The shiny, cold metal of handcuffs rattle against the bed with every movement I keep making as I try to dissect the information displayed on the plastic accessory. 

Lastly, a golden jeweled ring sat on my fourth finger. 'I'm married?' Every thought I've accumulated since I woke up here spin across my mind. 'What happened to me?' 

A pounding knock outside the door shakes me out of the train of thought I'm spiraling down.

"Yes?" I answer, my voice shaky and hoarse. The knob turns and a brunette nurse follows in. "Rebecca Wright?" She questions. "Yeah?" I respond. "How are you feeling?" She asks as she looks across her clipboard. 

"Like I got hit by a bus." I joke cluelessly. "My head hurts too." I rub my temple with the one free hand I have. "What happened to me?" I take the opportunity to finally clear out the confusion. 

"You were in an accident." She bluntly stated. "Not by a bus, but 3 cars are pretty equitable to me." She went on to check the machines and my IV.

"3 cars hit me?" I struggle to ask, my throat slowly drying out.

"Technically, you hit 3 cars." She pointed down to the handcuffs. "Your bloodwork came back too, impressive doesn't seem to be the right word. With the amount of alcohol in your system, you could make a rockstar blush." She looked disappointingly towards me as she took my blood pressure.

"I don't remember drinking last night." My eyes darting around trying to make sense of everything. "That would make sense, being as you've been here for the past 2 days." The nurse responded. "Breathe in." She instructed as she held a stethoscope to my chest. 

"I don't remember drinking at all, or anything else for that matter." My effort to calm down failing as I quickly start to panic. Hyperventilating. Shaking. "What's going on?!" I yell out.

"Mrs. Wright take a deep breath." She soothed as she held a glass of water to my lips. "Here." She placed the pitcher on the table beside me.

"Now." She pulled a chair next to the bed. "What do you know, or remember?" She wondered, flipping to a clean page on her clipboard.

"Nothing." I blankly stated as I zoned out. "Okay, is it alright if I ask you some questions?" She pried. "Go for it." Hoping she can at least help.

"Who's the current president?" The nurse quizzed me. "No clue." My shoulders shrugging in sync. "What's todays date?" Her next question caught me off guard. The only date that I could recall happened to be the one engraved to my rib.

"December 9th 2019?" I answer, looking for approval. She simply scribbled some notes down. 

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