Chapter Twenty- Tease

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Chapter contains smut. 

"Kota, over here."

My father calls, dragging Kota's attention away from the swirling amber liquid pooling in the bottom of his glass. He meets the three of us with a spring in his step, standing before his boss with a sense of fear. There's a brief moment of silence before my father extends his hand out to the young man. It surprises Kota, yet he takes it briskly.

"Sofia tells me you've been quite the help in all of this, is that true?"

My dad questions, eyebrow quirked. Kota's moth falls agape slightly, stumbling over his words before muttering a short 'yes'. I catch the faint smile on Nikolai's face, obviously amused at his best friends disability to string a coherent sentence together. They're all like this- each man that works for my father. All except Nikolai. 'Fear breeds power', is what my father told me when I scolded him for his manners. As a fifteen year old, I scoffed. How could he be so callous to the people who work day in and day out for him? How could he be so emotionless, so bitter? But then I grew up, and it suddenly became more and more obvious as to why my father is the way he is. People don't target those they fear. People don't test the ones who don't care about statuses and friendships in this line of work- they're untouchable.

I often wonder if that is why my father allowed Nikolai into his circle- because he did not fear him. I believe Nikolai's lack of fear is exactly what he was looking for in the person to be my bodyguard. Fear blocks judgement, and in a job like his, nothing can get in the way. Nikolai was exactly what my father was looking for. Someone with the perfect balance of conscious and numbness, someone he could mould into a weapon.

I realise I have drifted away from the conversation, vacant eyes glued to the side of Nikolai's face. I blink away the hazy film blanketing my eyes and force myself to pay attention to my father and his words.

"What's your work schedule like?"

He pries, leaning back in his seat. Kota's eyebrows thread together, um-ing and ah-ing as he recalls his life existence.

"I try to stick to Monday to Thursday at the hospital, as well as off the books jobs and of course whatever you have me doing in between all of that."
Kota lists his busy life, my father nodding all the while.

"And what are they paying you at the hospital?"

My eyes widen just as Kota's do. My father has never been one to be discreet.

"Um, around ninety grand. Maybe a hundred if I'm lucky."

Kota looks almost uncomfortable, shifting from foot to foot like the floor beneath him is on fire.

"I'll quadruple it, and all you have to do is move into this penthouse."

My father states, knocking the wind out of everyone in the room. Kota's jaw falls off its hinges, Nikolai's eyes are pinned wide open and I'm frozen with a look of perplexity struck across my face.

"An added piece of protection for Sofia. You've had all the training my other men have had, you're a qualified medic, smart, good with the electronic security of this place. It would give me peace of mind to know my daughter has more than one aid to her safety- not to discredit you of course, Nikolai."

My father continues, gifting Nikolai a glance along the way.

"None taken."

The man beside me chuckles, shaking his head. I notice Kota has yet to talk, his features and limbs frozen. I'm yet to work out whether he has broken down because of the generous money offer, or if the shock of hearing my father compliment someone has sent him into a spiral.

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