Chapter 1

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Hello, dear reader. This is a four-book series which is finished and now fully posted. I hope you enjoy :)

Trigger warnings:  physical violence, assasination attempts, mind manipulation, mentions of war & slurs, brief mentions of genocide

Trigger warnings:  physical violence, assasination attempts, mind manipulation, mentions of war & slurs, brief mentions of genocide

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Kaleth had been prepared for a lot to happen tonight. He usually did since it was almost a job requirement. But randomly running into a member of the terrorist group they'd been hunting down wasn't something he'd thought could happen.

He had been doing paperwork when his teammate Rayni walked into his office and dragged him away to get some coffee. Apparently, he'd looked like he needed it, and he couldn't say that he didn't enjoy it. However, he still had work to do. Work which he could do while drinking the beverage.

He and Rayni had had a difference of opinion there, though, so now he was sitting in a café, staring out the window at the dark, empty street to his left. This part of the city was refreshingly quiet, he had to admit, but it also made him a bit tense. He just wasn't used to this kind of silence in a city as large as Enbrant. He could barely hear the rumbling of cars in the distance here.

"You're not listening to me, are you?" Rayni asked, her eyebrows drawn into a worried frown as she snapped her fingers in front of Kaleth's eyes. He blinked as he focused on her again, noting that she'd almost finished her sundae already, but that wasn't really surprising since she ate twice as fast as the average person. There was a small splatter of whipped cream on her cheek, a stark contrast to her brown skin.

"Apologies, what were you saying?" Kaleth asked, taking another sip of his coffee. It was the strongest kind they had at this café, but it wasn't really helping him be more alert. At least it had only cost him five aurens, and it was drinkable. He was used to paying about four times as much.

Rayni pointed a finger at him. "See? You have trouble concentrating. You need to get some sleep."

"I sleep at least twice a week, just like it's recommended for us." Kaleth made sure to lower his voice even though there wasn't anyone there to overhear them. The only other person in the café was a barista who had headphones over her ears. Not surprising given that it was past midnight already. Honestly, the fact that the café was still open was strange on its own.

"It doesn't count if you only get four hours of sleep in total!" Rayni exclaimed through a mouthful of thawing ice cream, and Kaleth cringed. Gods, she was loud.

Since she wasn't wrong and Kaleth was too mentally tired for this, he just stayed silent and gave her an exasperated look.

"Don't look at me like that." She tried to look stern, but since she kept eating the sundae, it couldn't be taken seriously. Kaleth almost started laughing but managed to disguise it as a cough. Maybe he really was exhausted if something like this was so funny to him.

"Well, it's been a few months already, and I'm perfectly fine," Kaleth said. Rayni scoffed, clearly not agreeing with that, so Kaleth continued. "I'm not tired. I just have a lot on my mind. Besides, Relioth told me it was possible for us to go without sleep altogether."

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