Minigames, Closers, Karen's Lawsuits, and Perfect Order Closer Specials

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Each Day will end off with a different closer, and a different minigame. 

Here are the different minigames after each day:

Sundae Shot (Sunday)

Hallway Hunt (Monday)

Papa's Raceway (Tuesday)

Burgerzilla (Wednesday)

Blender Ball (Thursday)

Customer Cravings (Friday)

Fashion Flambe (Saturday)

And here are the different closers, and the new ones will be bolded:


Mona (Monday)

Quinn (Tuesday)

Bertha (Wednesday)

Akari (Thursday)

Karen (Friday)

Margaret (Saturday)

Jojo (Sunday)

Mona is my oc and I headcanon her to be Lisa's girlfriend just for the crack, joke pun ¨Monalisa¨ hehe.

Karen and Margaret are ocs of mine and are wives. They own and operate Fashion Flambe as a buissness together and are the proud mothers of Felicia (another oc of mine)

Unique Closer Functions (Jojo, Karen, and Quinn):

Jojo and Karen are unique closers.

Jojo is the same as always, as he is a little pickier than the others with the exception of Karen and will reward a blue ribbon for a well-done order.

Karen is by far the pickiest closer in the series, with every little mistake taking away a large amount of points compared to mistakes for other customers and closers. If you do not get a good or great score on her order, she will ¨call the manager¨ which is a feature new to this game and she will sue papa louie, and you will be fined a sum of $50 must be paid immediately as you are taken to a cutscene into a courtroom. If you go into court without an attorney, Karen will win the case and you must pay the fine. The fines will go up by 15 dollars with each rank you go up, making failing Karen ' s order a practical death sentence as you lose most/if not all your money in late-game. (the fines going up does not mean you get fined at each rank. You will only get fined if you fail Karen ' s order) However, if you get a perfect on Quinn ' s order in the same week prior to getting sued by Karen, she will represent you in court. With Quinn at your side, she will be able to reduce the fine significantly, or make it so you will have to pay nothing at all. However, this wears off and in order to have Quinn represent you if this happens again, you must get a perfect order to have Quinn represent you in court. If you do not have enough money to pay off Karen ' s fine... the rest of the money will keep coming from your tips until you pay it off. Once it'is paid off, you will start collecting tips as per usual. On her first order, no matter what happens, you will automatically mess up Karen's order and she will fine you to demonstrate the feature. After her first order, the mechanic isn't forced and it is possible to get up to a perfect from the second order onwards. If you do well with her order, she will be very pleased and will give a larger amount of tips than normal and you will earn two stars at once (as her orders are hard to get right)

I know Karen's new feature is A LOT but I thought it would be fun to add and funny as well............. well........ not funny that you can lose money, but just funny for her character and stuff :) And it adds more benefits for doing better on her order.

Quinn: Getting a perfect on Quinn ' s order will guarantee that she will represent you in court that week in case you get sued by Karen, she will either help reduce the fine, with a 50% chance that she may clear the lawsuit out completely and the fine against you will be dropped.

And now, perfect scores.

Perfect Scores:

For this game, perfect scores are the same for each regular customer. The maximum amount of points you can get for each customer rankings without specials are

No medal: 100 Points

Bronze Medal(Earn 5 stars): 133 Points

Silver Medals(Have a Bronze Medal and Earn 5 more Stars): 166 Points

Gold Medals( Have a silver medal and earn 5 more stars): 200 Points

Platinum Medals (Have a gold medal and earn 5 more stars): 250 Points

Perfect Score while Ranking up to a new medal(Every 5 stars you get): 300 points

Though for closers, you can now earn new bonuses for earning a perfect score on a closer

Mona, the Eventful: You will earn 10 tickets for Foodini's Mini Games

Quinn, Attorney at Law: Quinn will represent you in lawsuits against Karen, and will reduce the fine, with a 25% chance of removing the fine completely.

Bertha, the Umpire: Bertha will help you catch your mistakes easier and provide you with tips not included in the help section that can help you improve your scores

Akari, the Courier: Earning a perfect on Akari's score will give you a 25% chance to earn a golden coupon. When used on a customer, it will guarantee an order from that customer like regular coupons in addition to automatically ranking them up to a new medal seal. This can even be used on closers, with the exception of Jojo and Karen. If you don't get a golden coupon, Akari will give you 3 regular coupons instead.

Karen, the ¨Generous¨: If you earn a perfect on her, Karen will reward you with $100 plus a choice of any upgrade for free. If all upgrades are bought, she will offer you a wallpaper, floor design, or a furniture item.

Margaret, the Fashionista: If you get a perfect for Margaret, she will give you 5 fashion items of your choice.

Jojo, the Food Critic: If Jojo deems your order perfect, he will present you with a Diamond Ribbon instead of a blue ribbon. These will give you much more tips than a blue ribbon, and lasts for an entire week instead of the usual three days.

So yeah, I was thinking these would be interesting features to add more fun to the game :) and these will help with clearing out the massive amount of upgrades

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