Chapter 1

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Lights illuminated roads filled with cars and pedestrians. The dark sky was clear of clouds, allowing moonlight to seep through the towering buildings. Sounds of loud honking vehicles and blaring tram horns filled the air as neon lights bounced off the windows.

But past the busy city and dancing lights, the flicker of a lamp leads to a dark alley. Two bots crash into each other, protecting themselves while jabbing at the other aggressively. The larger of the two takes the upper hand and pushes the latter to the ground before throwing it to the side. The girl controlling the defeated robot sits there, a shocked expression painting her face as the winning robot finishes shredding the other. Around the fight, people who were part of the crowd pass around bills, some of them gaining money while others lose it.

"The winner, by total annihilation, Yama!", a woman wearing an eyepatch announces in a dramatic voice, holding a dish full of money for Yama to claim. "Who is next! Who has the guts to step into the ring with little Yama?" his booming voice silenced the cheering crowd. In response, people around the ring hid and broke apart their robots, Yama's voice destroying their confidence.

Y/n rolled their eyes at the male's cockiness. She had been standing near the edge of the ring, taking notes throughout the fight to help improve some of her own projects. They look down on their notes, flipping through the pages when a meek voice interrupts them from their thoughts.

"Can I try?" the crowd moves away to reveal a boy around Y/n's age.

"I have a robot, I made it myself." The boy says showing the audience a cute looking robot with a goofy smile plastered on its face. Y/n raised a brow at the short boy and eyes the miniature robot as the crowd laughs.

"Beat it kid, house rules. You've got to pay to play." The eye patched woman states firmly, glaring at the young boy. As the crowd continued laughing, the boy replied, "oh this enough?" He pulled out a stack of cash from his pocket. "What's your name little boy?" Yama said menacingly. He, along with the crowd, knew that he was bound to win against the strange boy but didn't make a move to delay the fight.

"Hiro, Hiro Hamada." The resigned voice answered with a small smile. Hamada? The name sounded familiar to Y/n but before they could think too much about it, Yama's voice boomed out, interrupting their thoughts. "Prepare your bot, zero" he growled, grinning fiercely.

Both contestants piled their cash into the dish, Hiro adding a few extra coins before the eye patched women slammed the dish shut. Each of them placed their bots down and sat themselves on a pillow in preparation for the fight. Yama cracked his head and Hiro tried to mimic him, failing miserably. A chuckle escaped Y/n's lips at the boy's antics. "Two bots enter, one bot leaves... fighters ready?" She paused, "Fight!" The woman screams.

The fight lasted about 4 seconds. Both bots rushed at each other, the smaller one waddling towards the bigger figure. Little Yama picks up Hiro's bot and throws it in the air while simultaneously cutting it twice. This earned Yama a cheering crowd. Y/n crossed their arms as they expected something more from the young boy.

Yama and the crowd laughed at Hiro's feeble attempt at victory. "That was my first fight.. i'd-d- can I try again?" Hiro stuttered, still in denial of his loss. Y/n wondered how the boy would fight again, seeing has his bot was sliced apart already. Yama laughed, "No one likes a sore loser little boy, go home" as he went to grab the money. Hiro then stopped him innocently saying "I got more money?" Yama smirked and accepted the offer. Hiro and Yama both added a little extra money into the bowl.

As they prepared to fight again, Hiro's bot moved around before connecting to resemble its earlier, not destroyed form. Y/n was in awe and wrote the observation onto the notepad in their hands. Before Y/n could finish, Hiro suddenly said "Mega-bot, destroy!" He pulled on his controller to make it more advanced. The goofy smiley face that was on the 'Mega-bot' was replaced by an angry face with sharp teeth. Yama throws a confused look at the small bot. "Huh?" He spat out, not liking the direction in which the fight was going. Mega-bot starts to do weird spins with its 'ears' and arms while charging towards little Yama. Yama's bot attacks multiple times but they are swiftly dodged by Hiro's bot. Yama started to stress, clicking as many buttons on his controller as he could while Hiro was unbothered and controls his robot with ease.

The smaller bot pulls itself apart and climbs onto the other bot, destroying its arms before squeezing its head off, earning a shocking victory for Hiro. Hiro's surprise victory made Y/n's brain run with ideas for their own projects. "No more little Yama," Hiro said, smiling and taking the well-earned money. Yama started throwing a temper tantrum. "But- What? This can't be possible!" He screamed like a baby.

Right when Yama's annoying shrieks ended, Y/n noticed something was wrong. They knew they had to get out of there before they got in trouble, so they quickly ran, leaving the boy and the rest of the tournament behind.

Word count: 908

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