The New Kid

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You tapped your foot impatiently as the rain drops hit the floor. Your aunt said that it would be raining today but this was ridiculous. You wore a beanie over your unkempt hair but that was hardly enough to protect yourself. Your jacket was also pretty thin and you didn't feel like having your uniform ruined on the first day.

And what a first day it was. Everything was alright until you met that girl. Coraline.

Shivers ran down your spine when you remembered that look in her eyes. You had seen it before, everyday to be specific. Every time you looked in the mirror. You knew why yours were full of horror, but why were hers? Could she see them too? No, she wouldn't have been so calm with that ghost boy with her.

You focused back on the rain but it was no use. You couldn't stop it. It would fall until it was satisfied. You let out a groan and looked at the dorms that were off in the distance. Why did they make it like this?

You continued to stand there as other students headed out with their umbrellas and rain coats. Having just moved here, literally this morning, you had neither. Still, you enjoyed the smell.

Coraline: Do you melt?

You continued to face forward until you registered that the question was directed to you. You slowly looked over to the girl standing there with an umbrella. A yellow one. She also wore a matching yellow rain coat. You both stared at each other before she repeated the question.

Coraline: Do you melt?

Y/N: What?

Coraline sighed. She would hope you would get the joke, but you were apparently more boring than you looked.

Coraline: You know, like the Wicked Witch?

You got the joke but didn't laugh. Your eyes remained locked on the hovering spirit beside her. Why was that ghost so latched onto her? She didn't kill him....did she? It was hard to tell honestly. It didn't seem hostile.

Coraline followed your eyes to nothing and began to wonder if you spaced out often.

Coraline: So, no umbrella?

You shook your head.

Y/N: No. All my stuff is still getting shipped here.

Coraline: Wait, you stay at the dorms? That must suck.

You shrugged.

Y/N: Haven't been yet. I don't even know if I have a roommate.

Coraline didn't fully know how that whole process worked, but at least you were talking now. She had the same lingering thoughts you did. Did you see some monster too? If you did, did that mean that there were more than just the Beldam?

The thought sent a chill down her spine. She hated the thought, and preferred not to dwell on it. Still she wanted to get to know you better. You seemed interested yet boring. A weird combination, but she could see something just below the surface. She wanted answers.

Coraline: Well, you're in luck.

You turned to her again.

Coraline: I decided to let you tag along with me to the music store.

Y/N: Pass.

Coraline flinched at your quick answer. She looked at you to see you ready to run into the rain. You could make a made dash to the dorms and hopefully you'll be only somewhat soaked.

Coraline: What? Dude.

You sighed and turned to her, ignoring the ghost.

Y/N: You seem cool and all, but I hardly know you. I'm not about to go to some music store with you just cause you decided to take me.

Coraline: Buttons (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now