Am i famous ?

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Ayanokoji pov

Only one week left until may 1st come me , Hirata and his harem were eating at lunch but we heard a sound from a speaker At 5PM Today, We will be holding a student club affair in Gymnasium No 1, Students interested in joining a club please gather at Gymnasium 1, I Repeat.. " Clubs huh?

Ayanokoji: hirata which club you are gonna join

Hirata: oh I am going to join the soccer club

After that we left and go were the club were

A girl with a average height and a familiar voice made her way to the stage, She had a purple hair tied into two buns, She Grabbed the microphone and spoke:

"Thank you all for waiting First Years, We will now begin the club affair, My name is Tachibana Akane, The student council Secretary and The club affair's organizer, Its nice to meet you all " After Tachibana Delivered The Remarks, Club Representatives Lined up on Stage, And Proceeded into Explaining their function.The was various amount of clubs, From Athlete to Chess, There were even Fun-Activity Clubs like tea ceremony.

All the representatives said the same thing, Yet in another words, They Explained their clubs and goals, And Welcoming beginners.

As the seniors passed one after another. Only One person Remained, Everyone Seems Focused on him as he walked on the Stage. Stood infront of the microphone, As he calmly started observing the first Years.

He was around 170 cm Tall, With Black Hair and Wore Sharp Glasses, With a piercing, Calculating Gaze, He Observed the First Years Hmm, I Wonder What club he's in.

He didn't say a word as he stared at the first years, What is he trying to do exactly? As i was thinking his eyes landed on mine, We stared at eachother for a good 20 seconds, I Could feel him appraising me With His Sharp Gaze. Eventually, He Shifted his eyes, Silencing the whole gym, People who were hurdling comments at him gagged and listened to the silence.He then introduced himself " I'm the student Council President My Name is Horikita Manabu " I looked towards Horikita, To see her wearing a serious expression
" so they are related they may be brother and sister "

"The student council is looking to recruit potential candidates among the first-years to replace the graduated third-years, We humbly ask that you refrain from getting involved any clubs if you're considering to apply " He spoke with a soft tone, But the tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. Nobody dared to talk or move, As they sat intensely Listening to him.

"Furthermore, We in the student council do not wish to appoint anyone who possess a naive outlook, Not only such a person would be rejected, They will sully the sanctity of the school, It is the student council's duty to enforce and amend the rules. We greatly welcome those who understand this, That's all " He didn't even pause during his eloquent speech. He Immediately got off stage and walked out of the gym. No one could've uttered a word even after he left, We all stared at the door he left from moments ago.reception area for whose interested, The registrations are open until the end of April " Thanks to Tachibana, The atmosphere dissipated and went back to normal.

" I am rich enough but I don't have any connections out side the class I can use khusida and hirata method but it may be two slow because in 1 week may 1st will come and I have to make those trash usable or I can use.... "

Satou: Ayanokoji-kun you told us that you can play piano can you play please

Ayanokoji: okay " this is good timming "

Ayanokoji: senpai can I play some piano

Senpai : yes you can

Third person view

Ayanokoji start playing piano and people start gathering some people start taking photo and videos......... after when the Ayanokoji stop playing when he open his eyes he see people around me clapping and prasing him after that Ayanokoji got up and had towards the dorms

Ayanokoji pov

Ayanokoji open his phone and see someone already posted a video of him playing piano

Ayanokoji: " look like I was right with this my popularity should increase but I am still not most popular in the class hirata and khusida they are both popular but they both have weaknesses
Hirata weaknesses is he is too kind and khusida weaknesses is her kindness is fake outside class d there is class b Ichinose from what I heard and see that she is kind but she is also smart but  
Breaking would be easy because she can't handle pressure I think so my first class to defeat will be class C after that it will be class b "

After that Ayanokoji go inside in his room cook himself something to eat and then he go to sleep

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