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y/n: I wanna be the world's best striker !!!!!

everyone (except sae and ness): plz be my midfielder (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)

EDIT may 13 2024 --- for EVERYONE reading this book right now and are new PLEASE READ THIS :

Kaiser, Ness were written BEFORE anything about them was revealed in the manga.
(they were written when they were new in the manga)

THIS MEANS that I WAS UNAWARE of SOME facts about them, SO IF YOU SEE SOMETHING THAT DOES NOT ALIGN WITH CANON, IT IS BECAUSE OF THAT. chapters (53 and more) ARE ALL ACCURATE for Ness and Kaiser because that's when their information and backstory was revealed. TYSM FOR READING AND I'M SORRY FOR ANY ISSUES.


there's 10 days left before the first match.
everyday we complete noa's assigned training.

he's mostly been giving me training that's focused on my physique and stamina, so I wasn't often with the other boys practicing in the court.

so far I'm still number 3, but I could get replaced at any time so I've been giving it my best. whenever I would be playing though, kaiser would always target me and isagi. this dude found some sick enjoyment in beating us, I swear!!!!!

and if we would be in the same team, he'd always be mocking me and telling me to be his midfielder instead of forward. of course, I glared at him to death before passing the ball to literally anyone but him or scoring myself.

"I don't need his stupid! annoying! self! to come at me all the time and try to... turn me into one of his pawns!!!!" I complained, slamming my towel on the ground as I seethe in rage.

the boys chuckled at my anger. "he's really been targetting you especially, huh b/n?" kenyu laughed as I furiously nodded. "that asshole... he's sick in the mind!!!!"

"targetting? it looks to me like he's taken a liking to our b/n-chan," isagi said as I blushed, "it's not a liking!!! he's pure evil!!!"

"he's also been targetting you though, hasn't he isagi?" hiori asked, making isagi sigh.

"I agree with b/n-chan... that man is a damn weirdo." isagi said in devestation.

"don't worry isagi... when the big match happens, I'll add him into my dogs collection by the end of it."

the boys sweatdropped, "dog... collection? and who's in it so far?"

I hummed, pondering for a moment, "so far karasu, bachira and reo."

"bachira and reo? how come?"

"I have them easily twisted around my finger♡ I'm working on adding shido and nagi too... and that kaiser."

"sheesh... you're twisted..." kenyu said, wiping his glasses in disbelief.

isagi shivered, turning away from us, "thank god I'm not on your hit list...."

I smirked, looming over him who was sitting on his bed, "who said you won't be in the future? hmm, hero boy?"

isagi blushed, slowly turning to look at me, "n-no- please-"

"don't you think it's weird?" kenyu started, making us all shift our attention to him. "kunigami i mean... he hasn't said a thing to anyone, yeah?"

i frowned, shaking my head. "i wonder what happened to him at wild card."

hiori nodded, "his physical abilities got way better."

"wanna see? kunigami's data." kurona said, holding up a tablet. isagi walked over to him and took the tablet, "yeah, thanks kurona."

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