9. Jungle

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Special thanks to my readers: Delta-Soldier, lil_proto and Kranfoel for proofreading this chapter! Thanks a million lads! I appreciate the help!

Turning around with a deep breath, you take a long good look at your surroundings. You notice that the amount of trees thickens as you look deeper into the biome you are in, there is even an occasional vine hanging by the branches of the trees.

'A jungle biome?'

Taking a few curious steps towards it, you look up to see the clear sky...wait what??

'Am I outside?? No wait...'

You quickly realise that the 'sky' is actually just made out of some 'crystal-like' that gives an artificial yet realistic reflection of what an actual sky looks like, the 'sun' amazingly looks and behaves much like a real sun, standing underneath the sun feels much as though you are...well...getting warm. You gaze at the 'sky' in awe and wonder. You don't know how something like this even works, nor why the institute would want it to be installed to begin with, how large is this biome?

Looking back to where you came from, only to see nothing but trees and plants behind you as though you are deep in the jungle already!

'How?? I barely moved!'

Instinctively, you ran back in the direction where you came from in hopes to see the door again. Taking a few steps, you notice something from the jungle, a door-shaped outline in the middle of nowhere. You slow down and take cautionary steps, trying to figure out what is going on. The door seems to be fading into existence as you get closer to it.

You stop as the realization hits you. The 'jungle' in front of you is just some illusion made by the walls to help camouflage the door. Despite this, you still can't help but feel as though you were placed into another world entirely.

'How big is this Jungle?'

You can't help but feel alone, the illusionary walls distorting your sense of how big the jungle really does not help at all. You want to go back through that door but you have no choice but to journey through the jungle in hopes of finding another exit.
With a shuddering sigh, you venture deeper into the jungle, unsure what you will find in there.

Coming across a set of bushes, you push through them until you reach a clearing. Taking in the sights, you see more vegetation with plenty of trees and different kinds of plants you don't recognise. A light green lizard rushes past your foot as it disappears into a bush.

The branches of the trees stretch far and wide, while vines hang from the branches of the trees. Looking up, you see the trees mostly blocking out the clear sky view, providing plenty of shade. You see the colourful birds sitting on the branches of the trees, dropping down from the branches as they fly past you in a hurry, chirping all the while.


Following your gaze with the birds, you notice the strange plants growing everywhere, ranging from the familiar red and white flowers to small bushes with spiky long leaves and a strange plant.

This strange plant has a yellow stem with long leaves sprouting by the roots, its colours are strange from pink on the top half while white on the bottom half.

'What a strange plant.'

Suddenly, the plant shakes and deforms right in front of you, melting into a puddle. You barely comprehend the implication behind it until it starts to take shape.

'Is that a latex in disguise??'

Taking steps back, you see the latex take shape into a small pink and white fox, gazing up at you. You worry that the fox may attack you but luckily the fox seems to be skittish as it hops away through the bushes.

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