About girls

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Remember, girls don't have to be loved by men or childish boys who plays around girls can love themselves' touch them selves, and care for themselves' girls deserve to be called pretty ' smart and much more girls don't have to always wait for a guy to walk into their lives. They can get up and move on because you don't deserve to be on hold for the past three hours or even more girls deserve much more then guys because what guys go through is nothing compared to girls' girls get body shamed, and they always have to be perfect or look a certain way for somebody to date them and it's crazy because girls feel violated by society, because in reality guys only want them for their body, and to be on them to be honest, girls fill her in so many ways then guys do' guys really don't care what happens to girls when guys ask girls if they're OK or need help they always say yes I'm fine I don't need help. I'm good but deep down in these girls minds. They actually do need help but I feel like if girls open up to guys these guys won't care they'll be like oh OK well I hope you're fine and get better.

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