Part 2

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But you guys really don't know what it's like to be a girl because me myself I'm a girl and I feel like if I open up to someone it's gonna be hard because the things I go through I really don't talk about it so I feel like if I open up to anyone there Not going to care so I keep everything inside until I know it's safe to open up to someone who will actually do care and understand me better, so if you think about it, it's hard for us girls to be girls and for boys to understand it because I feel like they won't understand I center they switch places with us to actually know how it's like and how it feels to be girls because us girls we go through so many pain for no reason we get body shamed we get called fat for eating too much or we get called skinny for not eating a lot us girls don't have to change how we are because of what boys think about us I feel like we just need to be ourselves and love ourselves for who we are you don't need to change for anyone

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